Snow/Ice adhesion on coated cars


Aug 10, 2009
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So this will be my first winter with a coated car and I'm curious as to easily snow and ice will 'release' from the paint that has been coasted.
We don't get tons of snow and ice but enough to like to know what to expect.

Subject: 09 Honda Element (Hood, Roof and back section only. Keeping sides uncoated for now so that I can play with other products)
Coating: Duragloss Enviroshield
Coated September 2017
Maintenance: Wipe down with CarPro Ech2o as needed (almost daily and it's amazing the crap that it lifts off)
Location: Central North Carolina

•Does DG’s Enviroshield have any
“icephobic” property/properties?


•Hydrophobicity is, basically, the measure
of (unfrozen) water-beads’ contact angle on
a given surface—generally speaking: >90°.
-By now we (should) know of the many bene-
fits of a hydrophobic (“fear” of water) Coating.

-The measuring of icephobicity, on the other
hand, is not quite as easily accomplished.
-In order to measure a Coating’s icephobicity
(its “fear” of frozen water particles)—that is:
to quantify its effectiveness to a Coating’s
attributes—it does:
-require a more in-depth research and under-
standing of the phenomena called nucleation.
In particular: ice nucleation.

If any snow builds up on the roof or trunk or slides off easier. The only thing different you will notice with a coated car is the ease you can wash of evening a quick water only powerwash. My dailies are coated in Polish Angel Viking Coat and I couldn't be happier

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I will be finding out right along with ya EXCEPT I am gonna see real snow and ice up here in NY
Same here. First winter in Michigan with a coated car. My outback has exo and csl coating
That's a pretty big area. Where in Rochester? I have family in Farmington and the city
View attachment 61249 Here is a picture of my trunk it's not the hood were it gets melted and slides off. Seems to have stayed as a sheet, even after opening and closing the trunk it stayed the same. Polish Angel Viking Coat. The trunk is also much colder than the actual interior.

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Best thing to have is a black or dark colored car Im the MAN
we got some snow here in michigan and I must report that on my coated car the snow......sticks just as good as last year.Rotten snow!
Yeah. We've had a couple of storms in the last week. Snow and ice still stick the same. Hopefully I'll get a chance to wash later this week and maybe clean up will be easier
Its was cold today but dry. I stopped at the coin wash to pressure wash the grime off. My truck cleaned up pretty well. It still needs to be washed, but it looks a lot better than last winter when it was just wax. I feel a lot better with a coating on over all the waxes and sealants I've used over the years
That's a pretty big area. Where in Rochester? I have family in Farmington and the city

Kinda did that on purpose for 2 reasons

1. Dont want to give exact locations to the whole world
2. For the 5 years I was in the Marines and would tell people that I was even just from Rochester (let alone my small town) they would ALL say "Where is that" so I got used to saying Between Buffalo and Syracuse.
My Sierra was coated with WG Uber CC in October of '16.
While is still looks great a year later... Salt does not "run off"

When it's snowing or the streets are wet / slushy...then it's colder overnight, everything yes, the lower sections of the truck still show "crusty-ness" from dried salt.
I live NW of salt is put down in buckets for a flurry.

Sucks but I can only hope the coating is doing it's best to "protect" the surface from as much of the elements as possible
Reviving this thread as it's almost winter time. And will be my first time here in Michigan... Coming all the way from sunny Singapore!

So what's everyone best bet now when it comes to winter preparation and maintenance?

I would imagine coating will still be number one? I would have thought snow and salt won't stick to the paint but saw a post stating otherwise. I guess by definition of stick that would be subjective as a coin op power wash would remove it, correct?

How about for glass and windshield, what is everyone's go to? No windshield wiper chatter?

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I'm still a Collinite man. 476s is pretty damn tough, and while not quite Michigan winters, New York winters are no picnic.

And while others may scoff, a nice polished windshield treated with 845 will last for many, many weeks.
It will be my first winter with a coated car (if I still have it, it's for sale right now).

But, I always do an aquapel treatment on both the windshield and back window before the winter hits, and removing snow and ice is really easy once the windows have Aquapel on them. So I am expecting this to be similar on the paint with the coating.
Thanks guys! The only thing that stopping me is the possibility of windshield wiper chatter. I know TTQ mentioned that prep is key and to change the blades once you've coated the windshield to avoid this.

I'm going to sell this as a service so I'm not sure asking them to change to a new pair of blades will be a hassle for them.

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