XMT360 or OPS


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Jun 7, 2007
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Hi guys.planning to get an aio some correcting ablity.Im looking at these two products.What do you suggest guys?will use on honda and toyotas(soft clears mostly)What pads from LC do you suggest?TIA
I heave gone through a few bottles of XMT360. And it is my go to aio when I use them.
I have used the org and yellow pads so far.
XMT360 0r Poliseal with an orange pad .The 360 tends to have a little better correcting ability.Poliseal if I need a little more cut I just mix Optimum polish and top both with Optiseal .
Thanks guys.What pads for light marring/swirls?LC white or green?
Definitely PS. It's very user friendly and very versatile. As rwisejr mentioned, if you need more cut, mix in some OP or even some OC.

Something to note with PS: A little goes a long way. Prime your pad with 4-5 bb sized dots of PS. From there, only use 2 bb sized dots on your pad. When you apply PS to the paint, it will disappear, but don't be fooled. As long as your pad is still moving effortlessly across the paint, PS is still there and is still working. PS leaves little to nothing to buff off the paint. Although, if you have some OCW, it's great to use when buffing off whatever PS residue is there. Remember, less is more with Optimum.
Wow very detailed!Thanks Mike.Any tips on how to prevent micro marring from using a pc?Heard from others leaving some marring/marks after poliseal esp on black paint.True?

Definitely PS. It's very user friendly and very versatile. As rwisejr mentioned, if you need more cut, mix in some OP or even some OC.

Something to note with PS: A little goes a long way. Prime your pad with 4-5 bb sized dots of PS. From there, only use 2 bb sized dots on your pad. When you apply PS to the paint, it will disappear, but don't be fooled. As long as your pad is still moving effortlessly across the paint, PS is still there and is still working. PS leaves little to nothing to buff off the paint. Although, if you have some OCW, it's great to use when buffing off whatever PS residue is there. Remember, less is more with Optimum.
I've not had any problems with micro-marring. I have a Tacoma with soft paint and have never had issues with using PS on it. Typically, if people have problems with Optimum's polishes, it's because they are using too much product. Just make sure you're pad is clean and you use PS sparingly. Work it into the paint just like you would a polish. If you do that, you won't have any problems. Good luck with it and let me know how it goes.
appreciate the advise Mike.Cheers!
What pads for light marring/swirls?LC white or green?
For light swirls you MIGHT get them corrected with a white LC pad, but I think you'd be filling more then correcting. Perhaps try an orange LC pad.
PS doesn't fill to the best of my knowledge. I've not tried an IPA wipe-down as it is an AIO so removing it would defeat the benefit of using an AIO.

I would try the white. If that doesn't work, move onto green.
Thanks guys.I thought the green lc pad is less aggresive than the white pad.anyway,will try both.Thanks
For light swirls you MIGHT get them corrected with a white LC pad, but I think you'd be filling more then correcting. Perhaps try an orange LC pad.

I was talking about XMT 360 here.. I always get good results with XMT 360 and an orange pad to remove light swirls.
Is it ok to use these aios once a month on a daily driver(color black)?
With PS, I don't see why you'd need to re-apply every month. Personally, I'd recommend using PS, and then once a month apply a coat of Optimum Car Wax. OCW itself will last you at least a month. Plus, it's so easy to use you'll probably want to use it after each wash as it takes about 5 minutes to wax a car.
Actually,i live in one of the most polluted cities in the world+hot summer+unpredictable weather(rainy in the morning,verry sunny in the afternoon.My usual regimen is kaio+sg+ collinite and maintain with aquawax or souveran spray wax.how abrasive is OPS by the way?
With PS, I don't see why you'd need to re-apply every month. Personally, I'd recommend using PS, and then once a month apply a coat of Optimum Car Wax. OCW itself will last you at least a month. Plus, it's so easy to use you'll probably want to use it after each wash as it takes about 5 minutes to wax a car.
PS has about half the abrasives as Optimum Polish, if that helps you at all.

If you were to do PS, and then top it with Collinite, you'd be set for a good while.