Window Trim Seal


New member
Mar 4, 2017
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How do you clean the window trim seal, the part that sits at the bottom of the window? More importantly, how do you dry it off so that it doesn't streak the window when you roll it down and up after washing?

I use a leaf blower most of the time and occasionally use compressed air.

Do you roll the window down and hit the seal with a towel?

I spend a sufficient amount of time after washing the car making sure the windows are pristine. Nothing worse than rolling them down while the seal still has residual moisture and then streaking the windows.
I have always used a butter knife to pull it away from the winder and, in a nice way, squeezed a microfiber towel in between the seal and the glass and ran it across the seal. Being in some off roads a lot i had learned that a while ago. I had another vehicle once that got some dirt caked in the seal and when i went to roll it down it had scratched the whole window. never made that mistake again. Im sure you can use a paper towel too, i just always had used some of my interior spray on the towels to clean it and give it some lubrication. I used the Poorboys Natural stuff on the window seal yesterday. So far so good.
To clean that area I use a plastic trim/interior panel removal tool in between a MF and wipe from one end to the other.
To clean that area I use a plastic trim/interior panel removal tool in between a MF and wipe from one end to the other.

Thank you. I have a whole set of those trim tools I don't use very often. That is an excellent tip, thanks again.