Ash in Dash


New member
Mar 4, 2006
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Ug! Disgusting! My Mother smokes like a chimney and of course smokes in her car. Thankfully it is a convertible so the stench is not too bad. Anyway, I've been able to clean the interior pretty well, but take a look at the attached photo. Cig ash has worked its way behind the instrument cover.

Any ideas on getting to this? How hard would it be to pull off the cover? 2003 Mustang.
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no pics ....

most likely a can of compressed air (like those used for computers/keyboards) will likely help. Fill her ashtray with some carpet deotorizer also, will help with the smell and she's got something to stick her butt's into.
killrwheels@autogeek said:
no pics ....

most likely a can of compressed air (like those used for computers/keyboards) will likely help. Fill her ashtray with some carpet deotorizer also, will help with the smell and she's got something to stick her butt's into.

I'll try the air can, I always have one aound the house for the PC. Oh, and I added the picture ... Dooh!
now I see , I actually took this off in my previous Maxima and Vette in order to add the chrome rings around the guages. Relatively easy. You remove several screws to get the cluster covering off. Then you unscrew the actual assembly from its holding area. Once out the entire giage cluster and plexiglass covering are snapped in with little fingers to each other. Relatively easy to remove, but the little plastic/plexiglass fingers holding the cover to guage assembly is very fragile so take due care in removing/replacing. (snap into and out of place)
Did you clean around the gauges with anything? That might be the best idea. I see two screws that go on the top underside. However, I remember from my salad days when I had an Alfa that you see two screws, then you find two more, etc.... before you know it you have no idea how to put the darn thing back together!
wiped with isoporyl alcohol prior to sticking the billet guage surrounds. There are several hidden screws and sometimes you need to remove the assembly around the steering wheel also. thus compressed air would be first choice. I cannot believe that much got in there .....
That's totally cool that your mom drives a mustang! but not so cool that she smokes. I know it is hard to quit, but hopefully she'll find the strength to do it.
There was story a few years ago with a guy smoking in his convertable his hair caught on fire,but lucky for him the top was down and was put out by the wind before any serious damage..>>>>>>>>>>>> scoll down

;) well not actually but it could have :p
FloridaNative said:
That's totally cool that your mom drives a mustang! but not so cool that she smokes. I know it is hard to quit, but hopefully she'll find the strength to do it.

And she is 77 years old! 5 speed convertible. I keep trying to talk her in to letting me keep it for her. :D