What recommend coating for HOT environment?

Practically all ceramic coatings are formulated to endure very high temperatures, like multiple hundred degrees - way above what your paint will be exposed to, even in the warmest climates and on the warmest days, if it's just standing in the Sun. So, the only temperature you should worry about should be ambient temperature during application, which should fall in the recommended range for the particular coating you will be using. If you go below that, it will take ages for the coating to cure, and if you go above it, you'll have trouble leveling the product and removing the high spots, resulting in a poor finish and sub-par durability or performance.
I was just wondering if some handle the heat better. A guy here starter a thread for the same question. He's in AZ
I saw that thread before but I wasn't looking at coatings until now so I don't pay much attention
Thanks for answer :)
I just ordered a gallon of Optimum Car Wax.... I'll use it like once a month when it gets hot or as needed.
I was just wondering if some handle the heat better.
As already said, they handle temperatures extremely well. Most of them can be used safely even in the engine bay, where you can have temperatures well over 100 °C / 200 °F. You won't have ever anything just close to that on the outer surface of your car, unless you shove it into an infrared heat curing chamber.
Yeah, I saw that. I was just saying why I started this thread. I wasn't asking again :)
So you want a product to handle hot environments and after searching you went with a Wax? Waxes are the worst of the last step products you can use in hot environments... more than just a bit confused here.
•With its mixture consisting of both
(Syn.)Polymers and Carnauba Wax:
-Optimum Car Wax is more in the
vein of being a “Hybrid-Sealant”; not
so much a “traditionally natural” Wax.

•OP opted for a really decent LSP.

The best I find in hot application because I'm mobile sometimes a garage is not available would be gtech serum or mc kees 37 coating.
Thought you meant what's the easiest to apply in sun.
Coatings will do or paint sealant.