Cleaning MF used w/ Ech2O, Reload, C2V3, etc


New member
Mar 10, 2018
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So I have a simple question.

Is there any concern about Re-using MF towels that were used to apply, wipe, dry, etc using ceramic topper products such as CarPro Ech2o, Reload and Gtechniq C2V3??
Any issues with the Sio2, or whatever ceramic component drying on the towels causing possibilie of marring the paint in the future?

I presume NOT. Just wash the MF towels using standard procedure right?
Any issue if the towels happen to dry before they are washed?

Pretty sure with CarPro products there isnt anything particular.
Any thoughts about using GTechniq C2V3?

Anyone using specific procedures for these kinda products?

The amount of SIO2 in those products will not cause any problems. Just wash normally.
I believe in washing MF in water based degreaser because most detergents are not designed to remove cured sealants.

Presoak with Oxiclean or some other cleaner before the wash.