

New member
Dec 18, 2013
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So I was washing my wife’s brand new black Explorer last night. It was its first wash and I was trying to finish before if got dark. I’m half way through and the neighbor next door decided to come out and start mowing his yard. Needless to say I was furious. If his yard were nice and only grass like a golf course, I wouldn’t be as upset but it’s mostly weeds and dirt. So he’s stirring all kinds of crap into the air. I almost said screw it and gave up but I continued. I just tried to keep thoroughly rinsing with the hose. When I finished washing I gave it one last good rinse and as quickly as possible got it in the garage and closed the door while it was wet. I then used Ultima WW+ generously to dry it. I’m hoping I didn’t induce swirls before I get a chance to put a coating on next weekend. My lighting in the garage is not great and I wasn’t able to find any yet. Fingers crossed.

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It's always timing...

Sorry to hear of the bad timing...

You can't let stuff like that wind you up. It's life, and adversity like that is unavoidable.

Where I live, I'm surrounded by agricultural fields full of corn and soybeans. In the fall harvest season, the air is filled with dust and finely chopped bits of plant debris from the combines for weeks on end. Just like your neighbor mowing his lawn, every time I wash any of our vehicles they are soon covered with all that stuff floating in the air. I GENTLY knock off what I can and move on. Perfection in a dynamic environment beyond my control is impossible. Just make the best of if.
I have bad lighting to, you just need to take a good, strong flash light to it or a headlamp.

I use the scangrip Iview and it works good. On a black car you don't see anything until you use a strong light or have it in direct sunlight
Yeah, it’s the first Black vehicle Ive had since I got into detailing. I’m not a professional so it’s just sort of a hobby on my own cars. I guess I’m just a little freaked out worrying about how easy it is to see defects in black. My past vehicles were silver.

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Yeah, it’s the first Black vehicle Ive had since I got into detailing. I’m not a professional so it’s just sort of a hobby on my own cars. I guess I’m just a little freaked out worrying about how easy it is to see defects in black. My past vehicles were silver. Autogeekonline mobile app

Welcome to the club of black lovers! I consider myself a pro for sure as I've had more than a dozen black cars and still do have mine :)

It's all good and not difficult once you have the processes down-pat. If it's a pure-black car then it will be a little more difficult but then keep in mind pure black even with a few marks in typical places still looks 100x better at 90% correction than most any other black car you'll see around you.

I hear you on the mower thing. Just this weekend I had my car in the driveway (thankfully not just cleaned) while I worked on my wife's new car. The neighbor decided to get his riding mower out and proceeded to drive it up and down the street to get her ready for spring. Of course he drove along the edge creating a dust storm outside our homes. I hate when people do stuff like that to begin with let alone while my car is outside.