Anyone else ditches the 2 bucket method?


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Dec 18, 2017
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I just watched this video


And wow, it does make sense. I feel like I wasted money on my grit guard buckets. You can just use a foam cannon or foam gun as you supply fresh water and soap from the foamer
Lol I couldn't watch that whole video. Obviously, he has never heard of a rinse-less wash before. Two bucket washes have their place and I like to utilize the "Gary Dean method" when I can.
Lol I couldn't watch that whole video. Obviously, he has never heard of a rinse-less wash before. Two bucket washes have their place and I like to utilize the "Gary Dean method" when I can.

Yeah sorry the video is long but the point that came to mind is why use buckets if you have a foam cannon or gun right? You can always get clear dirt free water and soap from it as you go.
Because you're trying to hold as much soap and water on your mitt. I fill my mitts in a bucket and let them soak and do the GD method. I do this for my rinseless washes as well. Honestly, I hardly ever use a foam cannon. The foam does NOT stick to a properly sealed/coated vehicle or I sure cant get it too. By the time I foam my vehicle and go to use a mitt, most of the soap would all be on the ground.
Because you're trying to hold as much soap and water on your mitt. I fill my mitts in a bucket and let them soak and do the GD method. I do this for my rinseless washes as well. Honestly, I hardly ever use a foam cannon. The foam does NOT stick on a properly sealed/coated vehicle or I sure cant get it too. By the time I foam my vehicle and go to use a mitt, most of the soap would all be on the ground.

No but you foam as you go. Just like Ammo NYC showed in the Audi R8 video.
No but you foam as you go. Just like Ammo NYC showed in the Audi R8 video.

Ehhhh, I find that more work in my opinion and more chances of scratching your finish. I'd rather use a fresh soaked mitt on each panel if I can and replace with the ones in my bucket. The used mitts get soaked in the second, while I pull from the first.

Also, foamers use a TON of soap. If I just used the foam gun like that, I'd be spending much more money.
Ehhhh, I find that more work in my opinion and more chances of scratching your finish. I'd rather use a fresh soaked mitt on each panel if I can and replace with the ones in my bucket.

But you also don't keep the same mitt all along.

But yeah I don't know, I just found the video and found it interesting. Do grit guard actually work well if they now sell that washboard thing?
The way I explained washing my vehicle, I don't use grit guards.
But you also don't keep the same mitt all along.

But yeah I don't know, I just found the video and found it interesting. Do grit guard actually work well if they now sell that washboard thing?

If you don't use the same mitt, then where are you pulling them from? The dry shelf? No thanks! I'd rather keep mine soaked in a bucket of soap. That guy is too dramatic for me in that video. ;)
The way I explained washing my vehicle, I don't use grit guards.

Oh so hold on. I'm not getting how you do your method.

You have like clean mits in the clean bucket and after a panel you discard it for the rest of the wash and just get a new one?
If you don't use the same mitt, then where are you pulling them from? The dry shelf? No thanks! I'd rather keep mine soaked in a bucket of soap. That guy is too dramatic for me in that video. ;)

Yeah you're right. I guess I'm also trying top find an excuse for buying a foam gun. Hahaha
Look up the Gary Dean method. Yes. I fill a bucket with mitts/towels and fill it up with a soapy solution. Same if I was doing rinseless wash. I pull out a clean soap soaked mitt and wash a panel. Dump the mitt in the second bucket of water and pull a clean mitt from the first for my next panel. But yes, I keep the panel I'm washing wet or sprayed with rinse-less solution while I wash.
Nothing wrong with a foam gun. I use them initially as a pre-soak sometimes when I have a filthy vehicle.
Whenever I do a traditional wash, I just use a single bucket.

I admittedly have a grit guard at the bottom, but only because I’ve had it for years and years. I think my friend may have given it to me if I’m not mistaken.

I will either use a garry dean method with towels, or I’ll use my boars hair brush. I’m aware of the taboo nature of even saying that I use a brush but I promise you, I have never noticed any scratching from my brush. When properly maintained I think it’s been one of my best investments for detailing (I’ve had mine since 2007/8 I think.)

My rationale for not bothering with a rinse bucket is that; if I was able to agitate the dirt off the surface without scratching, whatever I *might* have a chance of picking up when I go back in for more suds should be a non issue.

I do plan on getting some mitts though so I can try out using those vs towels or my brush.

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No buckets. I use a rinseless wash mitt that releases dirt easily and a pressure washer with the machine gun grip with no lance, and a #40 tip. I keep a small squeeze bottle of car soap in my shirt pocket. I squeeze the soap into the mitt, blast it and the car with the pressure washer, and continuously rinse the mitt and car and add soap as needed. If I ever dropped the mitt, I would simply grab a fresh one and keep going. If I'm not using the pressure washer, then I do the same thing with a foam gun attached to the hose. The mitt rinses a lot cleaner being blasted by the pressure washer than it does being dipped in a rinse bucket.
I've been washing with a foam gun and multiple mitts long before the Gary Dean Method. I learned to wash from Accumulator; who has the best wash technique I've ever read about.
Yeah sorry the video is long but the point that came to mind is why use buckets if you have a foam cannon or gun right? You can always get clear dirt free water and soap from it as you go.

No you can get foam u can't get water. Getting rid of the 2 bucket wash is no good and I have a foam cannon. That's like telling the church to get rid of the cross
I’ve never needed a rinse bucket to wash... All I need is 1 bucket full of mitts and an empty bucket to toss them into as I grab a fresh 1.

I’ve never needed a rinse bucket to wash... All I need is 1 bucket full of mitts and an empty bucket to toss them into as I grab a fresh 1.


Isn't it more productive to just use 1 or 2 mitts and a rinse bucket? It only takes 30 seconds to fill a rinse bucket and then you won't have all those mitts to wring out and put through the washing machine.
Isn't it more productive to just use 1 or 2 mitts and a rinse bucket? It only takes 30 seconds to fill a rinse bucket and then you won't have all those mitts to wring out and put through the washing machine.


Reason being is if I were to only use 1-2 mitts I’d have to constantly waste time bending down and repeatedly dunk my arm into a bucket of water and closely inspect the mitt to ensure it’s clean enough to use again.

Not to mention, with all that extra time I’m wasting I’d also be giving more time for soap to possibly dry on the panels, which is never a good thing.

On the other hand: If I have multiple mitts, I can grab 1, go over a panel with 1 side, flip the mitt and go over the panel once again to ensure it’s 100% clean and toss it into my empty bucket and grab the next mitt and continue washing the next panel and so on... Never stopping, never wasting time, never having soap dry on the vehicle, and never getting distracted.

Rinse all the mitts with the hose nozzle [which does a better job at getting them clean] as soon as I’m done with the wash and put the lid on my bucket and proceed to rinsing the soap off the vehicle. IMO It doesn’t get any easier.

I don’t wring the mitts out. I usually just leave them in the clean soapy water with a lid over the bucket. Washing a load with several microfiber items is more productive than washing only 1-2 mitts per load.