Meg's Ultimate Paste Wax, how long before wash?


New member
Dec 25, 2017
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Just corrected/polished/waxed using Meguiar's M105 and Ultimate Compound, as needed. Then polished with Ultimate Polish and finished with the Ultimate Paste Wax. The wax went on about 12-14 hours ago. I'm having to do this in steps as time allows, so today is the roof and passenger side which I will need to wash/clay before I begin. This will, inevitably, get water and soap on the already waxed areas. Will this in any way harm the already finished area? Is there a time frame needed before a freshly waxed(with ULW paste) car needs to sit before it can be washed?

On a side note, I'm finding Meg's website to either be drastically lacking, or I'm just not good at navigating it. The Ultimate Paste Wax can't be found when searching within the site, only the Ultimate Liquid Wax, but if I Google the product a link comes up taking me to it on their site. Then, once on the product page, there is no useful info about it, besides the marketing mumbo-jumbo, no instructions or anything else one would want to know about it.

Thanks in advance.
12-24 hours as ultimate wax is a sealant. You can always add another coat if you feel the need to.