Liquid Souveran Beeding Pics!!!!!


New member
Nov 8, 2006
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Heres a few beeding pics. my truck was freshly waxed on saturday. and today its i took a couple pics.
first preped with p21s cleansing lotion. then applyed liquid souveran wax.
i have to say this is one of my favorite waxes. gives a nice warm wet shine!!!! TONS of nice beeds!!!!!!! enjoy!!!
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Nice, I also like the liquid souveran. Did my truck on Saturday but its not raining here, at least not yet.
Neat pics. That's nice to see. LS is one that I need to put into play more often.
thanks guys!! saturday was the first time i tryed p21s paint cleanser before i waxed and i have to say it really helped the wax bond nicely to the paint . im going to clean the paint before waxing more often.
I have to agree with you on LS. I think it is one of...if not THE easiest ....on and off product that I use.

I think warm glow is the best way to describe its characteristic. My eye seems to detect that it darkens my Black truck a little as well. It really is hard to tell but that is what I THINK it does.

Keep us informed on the beading characteristics after two weeks and then a month. I would be interested in your opinion.