Polisher question.


New member
May 6, 2018
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Hi guys,

So I am new to machine polishing. I have watched quite a few of the videos on autogeek and read numerous articles and reviews. I have also done a lot of searching and I am trying to narrow down which polisher to buy as my first polisher. A little bit of background on what I am going to use it for. I just got a new 2018 Infiniti QX30 that is Ink Blue from the dealership I work at. Unfortunately they run the cars through a car wash and then detail them and even though I requested they hand wash it I think they still ran it through the auto wash. It has some swirls on it even though it is only a month old. So before it gets too bad I want to correct them and get the paint looking good and keep it looking that way. I have the Pinnacle Sizzling Shine kit with the Souveran paste wax. I need to figure out which polish and pads to use for the light swirls in the car. I am also trying to decide if I want to go with the Griots GG6 with a 5" backing plate or if I want to spend the extra money and go for the Griots G15 and have the extra throw for correction? But would that be ok to use that polisher as a do everything polisher for paint correction and laying down wax and sealants, or would I be restricted by the long throw in certain areas?

Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere. But like I said I have done a lot of reading and searching and can't seem to find the exact answers I am looking for.
Hi guys,

So I am new to machine polishing. I have watched quite a few of the videos on autogeek and read numerous articles and reviews. I have also done a lot of searching and I am trying to narrow down which polisher to buy as my first polisher. A little bit of background on what I am going to use it for. I just got a new 2018 Infiniti QX30 that is Ink Blue from the dealership I work at. Unfortunately they run the cars through a car wash and then detail them and even though I requested they hand wash it I think they still ran it through the auto wash. It has some swirls on it even though it is only a month old. So before it gets too bad I want to correct them and get the paint looking good and keep it looking that way. I have the Pinnacle Sizzling Shine kit with the Souveran paste wax. I need to figure out which polish and pads to use for the light swirls in the car. I am also trying to decide if I want to go with the Griots GG6 with a 5" backing plate or if I want to spend the extra money and go for the Griots G15 and have the extra throw for correction? But would that be ok to use that polisher as a do everything polisher for paint correction and laying down wax and sealants, or would I be restricted by the long throw in certain areas?

Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere. But like I said I have done a lot of reading and searching and can't seem to find the exact answers I am looking for.

IMO for personal vehicle maintenance, all you'll need is a GG6. A 5" plate is great! Also add a 3" plate and handful of 3" pads as well to get into tighter areas and deeper contours that may stall with larger pads.

The long throws are fantastic, and definitely correct faster on wide open panels (or tighter areas with a honed in technique), but for your use, a GG6 should be fine.
IMO for personal vehicle maintenance, all you'll need is a GG6. A 5" plate is great! Also add a 3" plate and handful of 3" pads as well to get into tighter areas and deeper contours that may stall with larger pads.

The long throws are fantastic, and definitely correct faster on wide open panels (or tighter areas with a honed in technique), but for your use, a GG6 should be fine.

I agree with him 100%. Let's not forget the GG6" has a Lifetime warranty too! IMO You can't go wrong with the GG6"
Rupes 15 and don’t look back. If you buy something else you will always wish it was a Rupes. Just kidding. Griots makes decent polishers too. It’s hard to go wrong no matter what you buy.
Rupes 15 and don’t look back. If you buy something else you will always wish it was a Rupes. Just kidding. Griots makes decent polishers too. It’s hard to go wrong no matter what you buy.

I actually have thought about the Rupes 15 as well but I like that Griots has a lifetime warranty. I have been leaning towards the GG6 as it is the more budget friendly option. I mean I would spend more if it really meant a huge difference and I knew I would be using it a lot. I guess one of the other reasons I was considering the long throw is they say they are a bit smoother and require less pressure which seems like it would be nice.

The next tough part is going to be deciding which pads to buy/use and which polish/compound to use. I would think I won't need something too aggressive since it's a new car and minor swirls.
If you go with the GG6, grab some Boss pads and GG creams. Bottles are color-coded to the pads. Easy peasy.
If you go with the GG6, grab some Boss pads and GG creams. Bottles are color-coded to the pads. Easy peasy.

The boss pads seem nice but are quite expensive. I understand I am going to need to invest money to get results and I am not trying to be cheap, but at the same time want to get the most out of my money and also want to make sure I am going to stick to machine polishing. So at $22/pad it seems a bit expensive to start off.

OOPS never mind didn't realize that was a 2 pack for that price.
The boss pads seem nice but are quite expensive. I understand I am going to need to invest money to get results and I am not trying to be cheap, but at the same time want to get the most out of my money and also want to make sure I am going to stick to machine polishing. So at $22/pad it seems a bit expensive to start off.

OOPS never mind didn't realize that was a 2 pack for that price.

Lol. Yeah, 22 for one pad would be WAY up there. But even at 11, the Bosses are tad pricey.

My recommendation was for you to have a system to follow. Kinda like a "fool-proof", even though there really isn't such a thing most times.......... ;)
Is it worth it for a hobbyist who only does his own cars and already owns a PC to also invest in a GG 6 as an upgrade and to have 2 polishers... or does this seem like an unnecessary duplication?
Is it worth it for a hobbyist who only does his own cars and already owns a PC to also invest in a GG 6 as an upgrade and to have 2 polishers... or does this seem like an unnecessary duplication?

For me, yes. I turned my PC into a dedicated 3" polisher.
For maintaining your own vehicle, a GG6 with a 5" and put the 3" backing plate on the PC, use BOSS Pads or ThinPros and they will quite literally do everything you need.

The second you start working on other peoples' vehicles, IMO, is when you go long throw (15/21) or forced (flex/mille) and dedicated 3" polisher a la Flex 7-12-80 or LHR75e.
For maintaining your own vehicle, a GG6 with a 5" and put the 3" backing plate on the PC, use BOSS Pads or ThinPros and they will quite literally do everything you need.

The second you start working on other peoples' vehicles, IMO, is when you go long throw (15/21) or forced (flex/mille) and dedicated 3" polisher a la Flex 7-12-80 or LHR75e.

I work on family members cars on occasion, but nothing professional. I’m still considering a Flex 3401 rather than the GG 6as my second/good polisher and still leaving the PC as a dedicated 3” either way. I’ve only jumped in to this hobby 14 months ago but it’s nice thinking that a Flex would allow more potential in the future... but it also may be a $400 purchase that gets used only a few times a year.
as you, I recently got the Makita 5000C. Also have a GG6 w/ 3" (and 5 and 6) and the GG3 (w/ a 1"). Just personal cars for friends and family.
as mentioned by many go with the GG6 and buy the 5" vented backing plate and 3" HD backing plate as well with the appropriate size pads. you'll be able to cover different sized areas of the vehicle and have most of your basis covered. later down the line (if needed in your situation) you can pick up another polisher (large throw/forced) to accompany it. here's a couple informative articles by mike that are worth checking out...


as mentioned by many go with the GG6 and buy the 5" vented backing plate and 3" HD backing plate as well with the appropriate size pads. you'll be able to cover different sized areas of the vehicle and have most of your basis covered. later down the line (if needed in your situation) you can pick up another polisher (large throw/forced) to accompany it. here's a couple informative articles by mike that are worth checking out...



Those are some great links. Thanks.
I think I am going to end up with the GG6. I guess there is part of me that likes to always get the best I can right away. So I guess I was thinking about the Long Throw as it seems it is smoother and faster but I have also heard it can be harder to maneuver in certain instances and that is where the GG6 is better. But then there is always the Flex but that seems like it might be too much and also have the ability to do some damage to the paint with the power it has and requires more experience to use properly. But I don't know.
I think I am going to end up with the GG6. I guess there is part of me that likes to always get the best I can right away. So I guess I was thinking about the Long Throw as it seems it is smoother and faster but I have also heard it can be harder to maneuver in certain instances and that is where the GG6 is better. But then there is always the Flex but that seems like it might be too much and also have the ability to do some damage to the paint with the power it has and requires more experience to use properly. But I don't know.

Being new to polishing, I think you will never regret this choice. Be sure to get the 5" backing plate and pads, and have some fun in your garage!
Being new to polishing, I think you will never regret this choice. Be sure to get the 5" backing plate and pads, and have some fun in your garage!

Unfortunately I don't have a garage so will have to make due outside in the driveway as best I can
Yeah, neither do I. I was just quoting the Griots motto. ;)

Ah ok. I wish I had a garage. I can't wait to get a polisher but I think I am going to end up having to wait until the end of next month after my birthday. I'm being told by my fiance to wait until after my birthday to do anything.