Can anyone spare a small bit of Kamikaze ISM?


New member
Jun 4, 2018
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If anyone has some Kamikaze ISM leftover from an application, I`d be willing to pay for it and pay for shipping.

I managed to screw up my first run in with coatings doing a Miyabe/ISM install on my PPF covered car. When I first applied the coatings, thought everything looked fine but noticed some high spots the next day. Figured that meant too much product so I tried to remove some using Meguiars APC 1:10. It seemed to remove it, but more spots and smudges popped up later. Contacted esoteric and they said APC shouldn`t do anything to it and I needed to lightly polish those areas and reapply. Worked with several friends to do the whole car and it looked good in the end. The next day, however, smudges still managed to appear. Decided to just let it be and wait to see if it`ll go away as it cures.

A week later and the smudges were still there. Can only see it in certain light, so good 90% of the time but it still annoyed me. Being that it had cured, I figured it had hardened and it`d be fine as along as I didn`t polish it away. So using the APC again I lightly rubbed some smudged areas and successfully removed them. There was a stubborn spot that wouldn`t go and I rubbed some more and eventually seemed like I removed the ISM layer. It no longer felt smooth in the area and water did not react the same way. I figure I need to recoat this panel (trunk lid) but I no longer have any product.

It`s one of those dumb mistakes where you think, I should have just left it the way it was. I don`t really want to pay $140 for a whole new bottle but I am concerned about having an uncoated part on my car that may wear differently in the sun. I need a very small amount, enough to coat either just that small 4inchX4inch section or maybe the entire trunk lid. If anyone has any that they probably won`t be using, I would really appreciate it. Please PM me.