PA High Gloss with DA

dennis hiip

New member
Jul 24, 2011
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I'm a fan of High Gloss and have been using as per instructions of either spritzing the panel or the applicator. I always got hazy trails of film that took effort to remove with mf. I decided to use the long throw DA with black pad and slow speed. Worked great and used very little. One small spritz per panel on the pad. Less product than before. Easier and more cost effective.
And was it easier to buff off or did the pad make it disappear?
I used a 6 inch pad. Yes, the product disappeared. I wiped it down because I'm compulsive but no need to. BTW, It's a black Benz that shows everthing.
I used a 6 inch pad. Yes, the product disappeared. I wiped it down because I'm compulsive but no need to. BTW, It's a black Benz that shows everthing.

Thanks for the info. I use mine on a black Audi and eventually learned to do small sections and wipe off very quickly. That took care of the problem at that time, but maybe I’ll try the DA based on your experience