Menzerna is releasing 2 new polishes.


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Sep 19, 2017
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As the thread title says Menzerna is about to release 2 new polishes. The releasing is happening at Automechanika Frankfurt 2018 september 11-15. And the little promo is that it's going to be Polishing redefined. Exiting news when they are about to release a new abrasive technology. Think that they are releasing it at Sema 2018 for you guys and gals over the pond :)

Very interesting! Wonder if this means another renaming of all the products again? I like a lot of Menzerna polishes but I wish they would have just used one naming system. I know a lot of detailers that stopped using Menzerna because it just got too confusing.
Very interesting! Wonder if this means another renaming of all the products again? I like a lot of Menzerna polishes but I wish they would have just used one naming system. I know a lot of detailers that stopped using Menzerna because it just got too confusing.

Or never started because we couldn't figure it out and I'm not blowing $200 to try and figure it out.
I think it was that they worked with Jescar. And they did Menzerna USA and Menzerna had theirs. But was offered together and it was not so simple to figure it out in the first place. Then with the renaming they offered the old bottles for a long time too. Now I think they are down to 3 compounds and 3 medium polishes and 3 finishing polish and 3 protection products. And if you dive into those they are not so hard to seperate.

1000 and lower you have the compounds with different characterictis.
2000 you have the medium polishes also with a little difference between but each has it's benefits on different paints.
3000 the finishing polish with also the difference between them.

They have tried to simplefy them with the old system 1 step 2 step 3 step. And there is where it's get a lot of confuseing. As the new abrasive technology you often don't need 3 steps to correct it to a show car finish. Both the medium polishes and compounds has gotten a wider range from a high cut to a high gloss. Then you have the difference in the hardness of the clearcoat to handle too. They have their own pads also. And they are color coded to each step.
Red compounding pad.
Yellow medium cut polishing pad.
Light Green finishing pad.
Blue wax pad.

The One step 3in1 is outside of the system. But they have a type of you can call a jeweling sealant. They named it Power Protect Ultra 2in1 and is a finishing polish like SF3800 with a sealant protection in it. So no real cleaning in it but to cut down the finishing and protection step to 1.

I could stop rambling know and just give you a link to look at that sort it out. And if you look at other brands they have different series of their polishes. If you want to try out Menzerna you can start with 3 different products that gets you a long way. And if you need something more out of one of their products you have that option too.
Start kit would be IMO.
Heavy Cut Compound 400. (HC400) Cut/Gloss 8/8
Medium Cut Polish 2500 (MC2500) C/G 5/7
Super Finish 3500 (SF3500) C/G 3/10
Cut 1-10 and Gloss 1-10 scale they uses.

Know to complicate all this together. You can go from SHC300 with C/G 10/6 and finish it of with SF3500 C/G 3/10 and Powerlock to seal it in :) And this is with their foam pads Red and Green and Blue. You can get alot of different combos now days, when mixing pads and polishes and also if you where to mix in the different brands too. Ohh man my head gets spinning. But if you where to find your polishes and pads that works for you. They often goes over different brands. But you can do it as simple as possible for your needs. And with getting that little extra out of something is a trial and error testing when you stumble on finicky paints.

Car Polishes | menzerna polishing compounds GmbH & Co. KG

Sorry for the more confuseing descriptions LOL.
Very interesting! Wonder if this means another renaming of all the products again? I like a lot of Menzerna polishes but I wish they would have just used one naming system. I know a lot of detailers that stopped using Menzerna because it just got too confusing.

The most recent change was disheartening.

FG400, PF2500, and SF4000 forever!
Very interesting! Wonder if this means another renaming of all the products again? I like a lot of Menzerna polishes but I wish they would have just used one naming system. I know a lot of detailers that stopped using Menzerna because it just got too confusing.

I second his opinion. I think Menzerna is going on their 3rd or 4th name change. I hope they don't change again with the 2 new polishes!
Very interesting! Wonder if this means another renaming of all the products again? I like a lot of Menzerna polishes but I wish they would have just used one naming system. I know a lot of detailers that stopped using Menzerna because it just got too confusing.

Amen to that!
I like their polishes but way too hard to figure out what to use when:

  • Menzerna 2200, 2400, 2500 - all all these necessary? When would I use one vs. another (2400 does look different, but 2200/2500 don't)
  • Menzerna 3000, 3500, 3800 - same question - besides minor differences in cut, are these any different?
Jescar makes it easier. So does Megs.
I own just about every Menz polish but really use two, 400 and 3500. Anyone working on hard German paint needs to invest in these two.
I like their polishes but way too hard to figure out what to use when:

  • Menzerna 2200, 2400, 2500 - all all these necessary? When would I use one vs. another (2400 does look different, but 2200/2500 don't)
  • Menzerna 3000, 3500, 3800 - same question - besides minor differences in cut, are these any different?
Jescar makes it easier. So does Megs.

How does Meguiars do it easy? For those that have used them during a long time does know maybe. But one who are going to start out with them on the detailer levels. They have a crazy amount of different polishes. The only simple way they stuck to is the names and that they have kept their old versions and names. And they have reformulate them too during the years. Maybe it's just me. But take the m100 m101 m105 compounds. Where is the sense in that? Then all of them from m01-m98. They have more product lines than anyone else I think. Put all of them up before you and with no experience get 2-3 that you think is going to suit you is not so easy. Sure you can start at the OTC Ultimate Compound and Ultimate Polish. And you have the mf pads with their Detailers line. Maroon bottles is it Deep Crystal line. The 105/205 is a well known combo. But so are the combos with them who used Menzerna polishes over the years. The 400/3500 is a well known combo know. And since it's a german brand. They did do the polishes towards the hard german cars clearcoat. So their over the counter system is HC1000/MC2500/FF3000. If you look at the first number you get first step 1 second step 2 and third step 3. And you have the color coded pad to each step. The evolution has been the compounds 300 and 400 that simply finish to great. So you can skip the medium polishes and go with the final step of 3500 or 3800. And have also in mind that they have been formulated towards the car industrie that only uses a rotary polisher. As towards the late years most of their polishes works with any polisher just as great.

The medium cut polish if you take first 2200 and 2500. And the difference between them is a higher cut in 2200 than 2500. It can be usefull when polishing one step on hard clearcoats. The 2400 is when polishing single stage paint and dry clearcoats as in oxidized ones. It gets it wet for a longer time and it's not drying on you when polishing those kind of paints. You use so little amount on the pads when polishing now days. And all those you can use with either their yellow foam pad or their wool pad. Forgot to mentioned the wool pad too lol.

And the biggest difference is also the deminishing abrasives. It's a simple explanation of the abrasives. But are quite advanced with starting as clusters and separates down to the particals that forms these clusters. The manufacture of this abrasive particals has developed fast the late years. And if they where to keep the old formulas there would be very many different polishes in there lines. Then again this is towards rotary polishers the most still. Is it 4-5 years ago or maybe less. The dusting problems got solved too. You that have used fg500 and fg400 know the difference between them in that dusting difference. And the most recent they have done their polishes water based and some if not all is VOC free too. This is for those that uses this daily and for a better earth environment.

Just to notice I'm no fanboy of Menzerna LOL. I have the 400 and 2400 only. The 400 I think everyone should get a little bottle of and try out. And you have a one step compound in your arsenal. On some neglected paints you can compound and polish with only one pad and one polish. And get LSP ready in 4-5 passes per section with the 400 and a longthrow polisher.

The name changes I can understand be confuseing. But it don't take long to understand and switch to the new names of it.

I hope they do get it easy to understand the new polishes that are coming out. Hope they don't start to name them as Finishing Glaze or FG400 v4.2 or something like that.
Sweetm, good point about Megs. I was thinking non-detailer. Ultimate Compound and Ultimate Polish - pretty easy. M105 and M205 is pretty easy as well. No question they have a ton of different stuff for pros that I have not tried to figure out. And I don't particularly like M105.

Griots would probably have been a better example.
Swetm I have to agree with you. Yet I must politely disagree with you. Meguiars have a lot of products, the thing is they never changed to names of them like Menzerna did. I personally love Menzerna polishes/compounds and have no problem figuring out what one I need to use because I do/did my research. It becomes confusing on the forums when you read about PO85RD, SF4500 and 3800. All the same polish but these forums save info that is still valuable many years later. And that’s where the confusion comes in. I’m certainly not knocking Menzerna’s product. Some of the finest abrasives anywhere. I’m knocking their naming structure that can not stay consistent.
