View Full Version : Lug Nut Cover Polishing

12-13-2018, 11:46 AM
Mike and all,

I just purchased a set of used snow tires on rims. I have been looking for a combination like this for my car for a while, and finally found the set. Snow tires appear to be new (used one + seasons), and the rims were purchased at the same time. They looked great when I got them, but I think I've made them look even better. Picture provided.65501 McKee's 37 Xtreme Iron Remover, D108, McKee's Fast Compound, lot's of elbow grease cleaned them up nicely.

Here's my issue - The wheels have lug covers on them, and they cleaned up nicely. They also have a company logo in the center, covered by clear plastic. Two of the four center logos are filthy, and scratched significantly. Two are almost pristine. See the pictures. 6550265503

I've contacted the wheel manufacturer (Ultra Wheels), and they've provided me the part number to replace the lug covers - at $39.95 each! I think I need to buy all four, as I see the likelihood that if I just buy two, they will be different than the two good ones I have. I'm not feeling the need to spend $160.00 to resolve this, but I also don't want to put the two crappy ones on my car.

Anyone have a good method for trying to polish the center plastic logo area?

12-13-2018, 05:15 PM
I would use a fine polish like Menz 3800 on a finishing pad. Polishing painted plastic is problematic. Most of the time the scratches are down to the plastic and if that’s the case no amount of polishing would work. Many times polishing painted plastics will make them hazy because the paint is soft. If I was you I would think about repainting them instead of buying new (at their price). I believe it is Wurth that sells paint here that matches your wheel cover. Try polishing first and if that doesn’t work or look good enough then buy a can of paint. At the most you will be out of the money for the paint and your time. Probably need some primer too (also cheap).

12-13-2018, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the idea, but I might not have been clear. It is the clear plastic in the center covering the "U" logo I am trying to fix. The one is almost crystal clear, and you can easily read the brand name. The other is dirty, scratched, and generally dingy enough that you can't read the "Ultra Wheels", and it's even tough to make out the "U".

I see a lot of people have read my question, but not many ideas. I kind of thought this might be a tough one. But if anyone else has a suggestion, as Ross Perot would say, "I'm all ears".


12-14-2018, 12:47 AM
Since there is no place one can stand that would allow them to see more than 2 wheels at a time, I don’t see why you would need to buy more than two.

As far as polishing, I’m taking it that the logo is on top of the plastic and will be removed if you polish regularly. Correct?
Some of the plastic polishes are non abrasive. Have you considered one of them?

You could also probably try something like McKees headlight polish. Just use a soft cloth and plenty of polish. It has good plastic cleaners in it. Massage it in like you were cleaning a painted over plastic on an interior knob. Let the cleaners do the work and go easy on the polish aspect of the product.

12-14-2018, 02:48 AM
That center covering piece is it important to have the one with the U logo on? Otherwise it seems to be a general size of it. You can measure it and then you can find 4 of them with a logo you are wanting. You can go with the cars brands logo. Or even a custom made one. If custom ask klasse act here on the forum as I know he has ordered those before. The cost would be higher with custom ones. But then it's maybe not since you take the old logo off and replace with a new one on the same center covering piece. If you have a good connection with a tire shop. They could get ones at a good price or maybe have some set of them used laying around.

I think that those can be hard to restore. The ones I have seems that the damage is not only in the top surface. But has gone under the top plastic film and damage the logo under it.

12-14-2018, 07:47 AM
Ducksfan - I'll give that a try. I considered sanding it like a headlight, but a polish may be a better idea.

Swetm - I've been trying to find a replacement logo, to no avail. I found aluminum adhesive stick on logos that I have sitting in my Amazon shopping cart right now, but the couple of reviews that are negative talk about them not sticking very well. But your point is well taken: I am certainly NOT married to the logo on there now.

Thanks for the ideas guys!

12-14-2018, 06:35 PM
My bad for missing the “clear” in your post. For clear plastic Meguires #10 and #17 used together can recondition clear plastics. It’s sold as a kit here on AG for $19.99.