Matte Black Carbon Bicycle - Polish or clearcoat?


New member
Oct 11, 2013
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Something a little different, and I thought this group might have the most interesting insight. (Paint is paint, eh?)

I have a Carbon Fiber bicycle that is painted a matte black. I've never been the biggest fan of matte black, and when my wife got a new bike this year which happens to be a glossy black; I got a hankering to change mine.

Here's my question. Do any of you have experience with something like this? Do you think I'd get better results simply polishing the matte paint (Maybe a M105 to M205 process? I've got plenty of that lying around and a 3" pad adapter for my DA polisher), or perhaps scuffing it up with some sandpaper, and spraying it with a clearcoat first and then polishing?


Do you think I'd get better results simply polishing the matte paint (Maybe a M105 to M205 process? I've got plenty of that lying around and a 3" pad adapter for my DA polisher),

The characteristics of some matte paints is they don't like to be abraded with the end result looking good and some matte paints don't get glossy even if polished. You could do a test spot and find out real quick.

or perhaps scuffing it up with some sandpaper, and spraying it with a clearcoat first and then polishing?



If you're experienced with painting this could be an option. Maybe do another test spot and watch the end-results for a few weeks or so and make you don't run into any delamination issues.

How about a picture of the bike?

If it's carbon fiber, I would be very careful trying to sand or polish off any finish. If it's bare carbon, there is likely a very thin clear coat over the resin holding the whole thing together. Taking off any more than the paint/clear coat will damage the frame and significantly weaken it.
What brand is the bike?

I have an aluminum Specialized with matte/satin paint and it doesn't seem to be the painted like a traditional auto with a base and clear coat. The paint is VERY thin and if there is any sort of a clear coat on the paint, I can't see it. Also, the paint doesn't have the same feel, it's almost like it has a very faint texture to the surface. If your paint is anything like mine, I don't see how you'd get acceptable results trying to polish it out.

If you really want a shiny bike, I'd go with a re-paint.
Matte black > gloss black imo! I also have a matte black carbon bike. I'd use some opti seal or maybe a seal meant for matte paints to protect it and call it a day.

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Something a little different, and I thought this group might have the most interesting insight. (Paint is paint, eh?)

I have a Carbon Fiber bicycle that is painted a matte black. I've never been the biggest fan of matte black, and when my wife got a new bike this year which happens to be a glossy black; I got a hankering to change mine.

Here's my question. Do any of you have experience with something like this? Do you think I'd get better results simply polishing the matte paint (Maybe a M105 to M205 process? I've got plenty of that lying around and a 3" pad adapter for my DA polisher), or perhaps scuffing it up with some sandpaper, and spraying it with a clearcoat first and then polishing?



Curious ...... what did you end up doing?

I am in the market for a new carbon fiber bicycle myself, and they all seem to have matte paint. I would prefer glossy paint for this particular bike.