Lake Country vs Rupes Pads


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Jan 21, 2019
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I have to hand to LC, they have some very sticky velcro and work very well. I had always used Rupes 6" pads on my LHR 19 but when I bought a new LHR 75ES, I decided to buy some 3" LC pads instead of Rupes. Man, you can't hardly pull those things off so it makes it really nice to be able to tun up the speed. My 6" Rupes pads don't stick well at all comparably speaking. They seem to finish just as good too. Do the LC 6.5" stick just a well? If so, I might have to say adios to the Rupes pads as I need to replace.
I can’t answer for you but remember there are 2 sides to Velcro.

1-the hook part
2-the loop part

Possible your backing plate could be at fault or worn out????

The air test mike Phillips

Also - different types of Velcro - I cover this in my how- to book. Tons of info in any book I write - nature of the beast!

Dr Oldz is on to something. I took the LC 3” and pressed it on to my Rupes 19LHR and it didn’t stick any better than the rupes pad so it must be something with the backing plate. The 19LHR isn’t that old. Maybe 1-2 years and until recently hasn’t seen much use. However it has always had pad sticking issues which is why I didn’t even think about trying the small LC pad on it just for grins. Is this something specific to rupes backing plates or did I maybe just get a bad one. I can’t believe I wore it out with my minimal use. Wonder if a different brand 5” plate is worth trying.

Thanks Mike. I watched and read everything and it make theoretical sense. So, back to my problem. Do i order a new Rupes backing plate and he that it stick better or do they all come that way and I a just expecting too much. for those that use the Rupes LHR series and pads, do they stick really well for you or are they fairly easy to pull away? Whats the norm? IF its normal, why would they put a different style on the 75ES because it sticks almost too well. As a final test. I took a white Rupes 6" pad and attched it to the 75ES and it was noticeably better but still not as good as the LC pad to the 75WES. At this point, i think i can do better just getting a new backing pate but I don't want to spend the $ on Rupes is it doesn't solve the problem. I wouldn't think different types of velcro make THAT much difference. Especially when a brand new Rupes 75ES sticks like glue to the LC 3" pads.

More thoughts?


The air test mike Phillips

Also - different types of Velcro - I cover this in my how- to book. Tons of info in any book I write - nature of the beast!

The Rupes stuff can be a little finicky.

On their grey backed plates they had a more gentle engagement system, but they were coming back because pads wouldn't stick to them after awhile.

Part of this was from using high speeds and / or high pressure. This was sort of prematurely wearing off the "hooks" that keep the pad securely fastened to the plate.

They then started shipping the MK2 with the standard blue backed plates, and all seems to be fine.

Not sure if that is what you are experiencing, but I've seen it happen locally.

The Lake Country pads seem to stick well to anything though. Their engagement system is very strong. I deformed a pad trying to get it off a brand new plate.
This is interesting because l do have the MKII but maybe it’s an older version. I don’t recall the backing plate being blue though but will definitely look later. Is it literally blue? My inclination is that the one I have is gray.

The Rupes stuff can be a little finicky.

On their grey backed plates they had a more gentle engagement system, but they were coming back because pads wouldn't stick to them after awhile.

Part of this was from using high speeds and / or high pressure. This was sort of prematurely wearing off the "hooks" that keep the pad securely fastened to the plate.

They then started shipping the MK2 with the standard blue backed plates, and all seems to be fine.

Not sure if that is what you are experiencing, but I've seen it happen locally.

The Lake Country pads seem to stick well to anything though. Their engagement system is very strong. I deformed a pad trying to get it off a brand new plate.
This is interesting because l do have the MKII but maybe it’s an older version. I don’t recall the backing plate being blue though but will definitely look later. Is it literally blue? My inclination is that the one I have is gray.

The piece that rubs against the anti spin shroud will be either blue or grey.
I was typing on my phone when I answered you and since I've been at work I've been working on the Roadshow for 2019 all day.

Here's what I also wanted to share and a RUPES Rep could get REAL DEEP if you need....

When it comes to the type of velcro hook and loop RUPES uses there's a real science to it, just like all the other engineering that goes into their "system", (not just the tool).

When it comes to velcro there's attachment strength, that's how hard the pad pulls away from the backing plate and then there's sheer strength, that's how hard the pad attaches to withstand the large orbit stroke at high speed.

If you place a RUPES pad onto a RUPES backing plate and try to pull the pad off the backing plate it will tend to pull off easy. This is to avoid wearing out both the hook and the loop plus make removing pads easier.

If you place a RUPES pad onto a RUPES backing plate and try to pull it off from the side it won't budge. This mimics the incredible side to side force created by a large stroke orbital polishers.

So it could be what your experiencing is normal.

That said, backing plates or more specifically the HOOK does wear out, just like you and me.

We used to have RUPES dudes help out on the forum, now they want everyone to go to them. :laughing:

dlc95 for the win! UPDATE. My AGO order arrived and it included one of the new Rupes (blue) backing pates. JACKPOT Even the Rupes pads are much stickier. While not scientific, I do think the Lake Country pads stick a tad better but with this new blue backing plate, the difference is negligible. It's not age. It's not wear. It's not side to side vs pull off. Hell, hook and loop is hook and loop not science. It's not anything other than Rupes shipped crap the first time around. If you have the old gray backing plate, do yourself a favor and throw it in the trash. I am really disappointed I didn't post this long before now and that i had to spend the extra money to get it worked out but I can't wait to see what i have been missing all this time. And for what its worth, don't buy into he hype about a Rupes pad is "engineered to work best with the Rupes polisher for a more 'balanced" operation. The LC pads spin just as smooth as the Rupes. Thanks a ton for the help.