Using clay for the first time


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Mar 16, 2006
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I am using clay for the first time. Is there anything I should do other than wash my car before I clay? The clay will also remove all sealants and waxes I assume. I know theres better stuff out there, but I'm on a budget, so is mothers California Gold Clay Bar Paint Saving System good enough? If the other stuff is way better, I'll buy that, but i'd rather run down to autozone and buy this and avoid shipping charges. Just some opinions and tips on claying would be extremely helpful, and some product opinions would be great.

Most clay is about the same, with exceptions, for your first few times that will be a good enough one to learn with. Let me say, once you clay, it will really amaze you! Sprayon clay lube, slowly rub/move the bar along that area, you'll feel it grab and tug kinda, then it will glide easily, move on to another small 2x2' section. It will feel so smooth when yoru done! I remember my first time!
ynkjeter said:
I am using clay for the first time. Is there anything I should do other than wash my car before I clay? The clay will also remove all sealants and waxes I assume. I know theres better stuff out there, but I'm on a budget, so is mothers California Gold Clay Bar Paint Saving System good enough? If the other stuff is way better, I'll buy that, but i'd rather run down to autozone and buy this and avoid shipping charges. Just some opinions and tips on claying would be extremely helpful, and some product opinions would be great.


I've personally never used Mother's but I've heard it works great. I've only used Pinnacle and Adam's...both really good products.

I'd recommend claying while you wash so that your car is nice and lubricated. I'm not sure if the Mother's clay system comes with a lubricating spray so if not put a little bit of soap and water in a spray bottle, shake it up and spray dry surfaces as you clay. Also make sure to use light to moderate pressure and to keep folding the clay as it gets dirty. My $0.02.
Yes clay does wonders! I would recommend cutting the clay bar in half so that if you accidentally drop it you are not out an entire bar. With a clay like the Mother's you would only need to do it maybe twice a year, but if you're like me and become enamored with the claying process to where you want to do it more often, Pinnacle has a new clay that can be used as often as you like and will not remove wax/sealant. It's called Ultra Poly Clay and it works great. The clay lube is really nice as well and smells great. Have fun and don't forget to post some pics! :)
Do back and forth motions as well, will cut down on any swirls or scratches that may occur if it picked something gritty up.
Thanks for the help everyone. I'll post pics as soon as I can, but I also live in Rhode Island and this New England weather is killing me. Everytime i want to do my car it rains! argh. I'll hopefully be able to do everything this weekend, including the mothers clay.
ive bought that kit before and id definately say to go for it. its like the cheapest kit you can get but probably the most cost effective one too! i was very happy with it.
simple advice for first time clayers ..... let the clay talk to you. Dont grind it into the surface. Wet the car, wash the car, spritz the car with clay lube (or mix some soap/water in spray bottle). Knead the clay and place in the palm of your hand flat. Glide over each area ... when it stumbles or studders, its talking to you ... slow down and pass over the area several times till slick.

Re-knead the clay after each panel or two and consider a quick rewash after claying. (it will remove any pieces that came dislodged and sheet any dirt laying above the paint off the finish before drying). You should only need to clay twice a year at most, although the newer ultra clay is easy to use more often and keeps the finish super slick, I use it monthly.
I personally like to clay during my washing. Saves me time and seem to work better for me.
Killr's right. Take your time. Look at the clay and go behind it with your free hand. Feel the paint and feel the results. Does not take alot of pressure. I quarter my clay up. Clay goes alot farther than you think.
I actually bought the clay today. I forgot what brand, but it was some cheap kit at autozone for about $11. It seemed the only difference between this and the mothers kit was that the mothers came with a bottle of wax. I tried it out on the hood, and it seemed to work. I could feel it catching, and i would rub it until it felt smooth. Looks-wise it seems basically the same, but i'm glad i bought it. I'll do the whole car this weekend and seal it up etc. thanks for all the help.
i feel like it looks better when its waxed compared to one that wasnt clayed but is waxed anyways. plus its so smooth ill just walk around my car gliding my fingers...