Poorboy's Spray and Wipe


New member
Oct 25, 2007
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Picked up a bottle of the S&W was wondering if I should be concerned about any marring from this product for in between washes and touchups? Or is this kind of like a highly lubricated soap like a ONR and shouldn't be concerned? Was just wondering what everyone elses take was on this product.

No concerns. Just make sure that you wipe off with a towel, not rub. It is likely the first time you will use way too much product but once you get more comfortable you'll find yourself using less and less. Try doing a panel on a beater vehicle and see how much is needed. It takes a little experimentation but it's better to test its limits on a beater than your personal vehicle. Also remember that the dirtier the vehicle, the more product and MF towels are needed.
its quite lubricated ... not sure on smaller bottles, but when buying by the gallon a little more water was needed to stop some light streaking.
Its a great product, just remember be gentle. As Killr stated "its quiet lubricated" Wipe gently across the panel and make sure you wipe in straight lines. Also make sure you keep rotating folds in the MF. I change sides after every panel, to half a panel. I can't begin to image how much S&W I've gone through.
Streaking issues are caused by a few things that are easily fixable. Streaking can occur from using too much product or using a MF towel saturated with S&W. I either use one towel to wipe off the dirt and another to dry or just flip the towel over to dry (folded in 1/4ths). Using an unabsorbant towel will also just slosh the product on the paint causing streaks. Or if you letting the product evaporate or dry in the sun. Adding water may infact help this cause but the cleaning ability will be effected. Another mix is S&W and S&W 1:1 for a light cleaning QD ...
Streaking issues are caused by a few things that are easily fixable. Streaking can occur from using too much product or using a MF towel saturated with S&W. I either use one towel to wipe off the dirt and another to dry or just flip the towel over to dry (folded in 1/4ths). Using an unabsorbant towel will also just slosh the product on the paint causing streaks. Or if you letting the product evaporate or dry in the sun. Adding water may infact help this cause but the cleaning ability will be effected. Another mix is S&W and S&W 1:1 for a light cleaning QD ...

Do you mean mix Spray and Wipe and Spray and Gloss 1:1 for a light cleaning QD?
Yeah, it'll give the Spray and Gloss a little cleaning ability (light dust) and give Spray and Wipe the look of S&G. The best of both worlds if you don't feel comfortable using a traditional QD to clean dust or very light dirt.