Applying ceramic coating to areas near rubber seals?


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Jun 2, 2019
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I am planning on applying a ceramic coating to my car soon but am wondering what the correct way to deal with rubber seals around the window/trim etc. is. Are you supposed to mask off rubber seals so you don't end up with a shiny coating over them? I've also noticed the rubber trim likes to leave a black residue whenever I wipe them with 303 and I don't want that getting onto the paint or embedding itself into the coating. Thanks.
If you're worried about it then absolutely tape it off
I leave all my rubbers and trim masked with tape until I'm done coating. I like to keep my coatings apps pristinely clean.
Is there any appreciable thickness with these coatings? Curious if there are any issues with peeling the masking tape causing chipping or the coating leaving a lip where the body meets the seal.
Is there any appreciable thickness with these coatings? Curious if there are any issues with peeling the masking tape causing chipping or the coating leaving a lip where the body meets the seal.

No, you'll be fine. Why not do 1 small test area and get comfortable with your process? The only thing you might see is depending on coating and paint color is that some coatings darken the paint a bit. Just do a decent job taping and you'll be fine
Is there any appreciable thickness with these coatings? Curious if there are any issues with peeling the masking tape causing chipping or the coating leaving a lip where the body meets the seal.

The coating is so thin, you won't notice any thickness difference. If you don't tape and touch the rubber or plastic trim, you might see a slight gloss where the coating touched the trim.
The coating is so thin, you won't notice any thickness difference. If you don't tape and touch the rubber or plastic trim, you might see a slight gloss where the coating touched the trim.

Exactly...also, I don't know what applicator you are using, but with the coating I used, it had a sprayer, and I will NEVER do that again (switched over to a suede MF applicator the next time). I don't have a garage (that has room for my car ;) ), and the slightest breeze got the coating on my windows. Not a big deal, but just more work to get the stuff off.

They are foam that is wrapped in plastic then wrapped in MF suede. So the coating does not soak into the foam just the MF. I started using these earlier this year
They are foam that is wrapped in plastic then wrapped in MF suede. So the coating does not soak into the foam just the MF. I started using these earlier this year

That's a good idea, but I prefer mf instead of suede.