Rookie Mistake With Water Spots - Please Help!


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Jul 26, 2019
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I just got a new black car which has made me obsessed with trying to keep the paint nice. I've been doing a ton of research on what to do and about 2-3 weeks ago I settled on Duragloss 601+105 and finishing it up with Duragloss 921 Fast Clean & Shine.

All was good until I took a trip to LA in the beginning of this week. One morning I came out of my hotel to find my car covered in nasty, thick looking water spots. I wasn't sure if there was a light drizzle or if it came from the swimming pool or what. When I got home which was the next day, I washed my car with Duragloss 902 car wash. I noticed that the water spots were not completely washed away. Now here comes the rookie mistake... I figured I could polish them away with some of the Duragloss 105 I had used a few weeks earlier since it says that it has cleansers in it. I scrubbed away with the 105 and I think I got rid of some of the lighter ones but it didn't get rid of the really bad ones which were mostly on my hood and Trunk. So now I have water spots that won't come off because I think I sealed them in with the 105, I can't even scratch them off with my finger nail at this point.

My thoughts were to get something to strip the sealant off which would also hopefully strip the water spots off with it. I was looking at Panel Wipe and McGuires Wash plus. My thinking is that I can strip the sealant off and either get the water spots off in the same process or at least be able to get to the water spots and do what I should have done which was try to get the water spots off with vinegar and distilled water. Would this work or is there a better plan of attack?

If this is a bad idea, what am I supposed to do now?
Is there a possibility that they are still causing damage/etching into the paint at this point the longer I leave it like it is?
Topical water spots can be removed by using a water spot remover. Type II water spots will etch the paint surface causing a crater in the paint. You will need to polish the paint surface with a DA Polisher to remove these types of water spots. The Duragloss Total Performance Polish is a synthetic polymer / wax formula with chemical cleaners. You need a polish with good abrasive technology. You may even need to step up to a compound depending on how bad these water spots are in the paint surface. Always try the least aggressive approach first. Once you remove these water spots you can reapply the Duragloss #601 & #105 or any other sealant, wax or coating of your choice. Good Luck!

BLACKFIRE Water Spot Remover

BLACKFIRE Scratch Resistant Clear Finishing Polish

BLACKFIRE Scratch Resistant Clear Compound, BLACKFIRE Compound
Thanks for the reply Bobby.

Do you have a suggestion as to exactly what polish (brand and model) that you would suggest using? Would I need to remove the Duragloss sealant before I polish?

So you don't think something like McGuires Wash Plus could remove the sealant first so I can try and go after the water spots? I'm looking for the least aggressive approach as my car is only about a month old and I'm really not trying to abrade the paint if possible.

Is there any harm in leaving the water spots as it is now? The reason I ask is that I have an appointment in about 2 weeks with the dealer and they are supposed to fix some paint overspray that the car was delivered with. If it won't harm anything at this point to leave it as is, I may just ask them how much it would be to remove the water spots at the same time. However, if time is of the essence even at this point, I might try to tackle it sooner rather than wait almost 2 weeks.
Would I need to remove the Duragloss sealant before I polish?

No, because pretty much the only sure way to remove sealants (esp. when fresh) is to polish anyways.

Is there any harm in leaving the water spots as it is now?


The reason I ask is that I have an appointment in about 2 weeks with the dealer and they are supposed to fix some paint overspray that the car was delivered with. If it won't harm anything at this point to leave it as is, I may just ask them how much it would be to remove the water spots at the same time.

You may or may not want the dealer to do it, it depends on whether they have a good detailing person. As noted above, you want to start out with the least aggressive polishing possible. If the dealer has some hack detailer he might not follow that safe approach.
Awesome... thanks for the info! Definitely glad to hear that I wont be causing any harm by waiting to find the right solution. I was freaking out at first thinking the longer I left the water spots the more likely it is to etch into the paint and cause more damage.
Thanks for the reply Bobby.

Do you have a suggestion as to exactly what polish (brand and model) that you would suggest using? Would I need to remove the Duragloss sealant before I polish?

So you don't think something like McGuires Wash Plus could remove the sealant first so I can try and go after the water spots? I'm looking for the least aggressive approach as my car is only about a month old and I'm really not trying to abrade the paint if possible.

Is there any harm in leaving the water spots as it is now? The reason I ask is that I have an appointment in about 2 weeks with the dealer and they are supposed to fix some paint overspray that the car was delivered with. If it won't harm anything at this point to leave it as is, I may just ask them how much it would be to remove the water spots at the same time. However, if time is of the essence even at this point, I might try to tackle it sooner rather than wait almost 2 weeks.

You're welcome!

I like to use the Blackfire Polish, but you can try any quality polish with a DA Polisher. Pinnacle, Wolfgang, Menzerna, Jescar, Sonax, 3D, Meguiar's, McKee's 37 and Griot's Garage all offer quality polishes. The polish will remove the Duragloss Paint Sealant for you.

No! the Meguiar's Wash Plus will not remove the Duragloss Paint Sealant. The polish will safely do that for you. No problem using a polish on a new car.

Not really, but the longer it stays on the paint surface the sun will bake it into the paint making it more difficult to remove. I would not recommend having your new car detailed at the car dealership. I would recommend contacting a professional detailer to clay, polish and seal the paint surface of your new car.

Good luck!

I just wanted to give an update and say THANK YOU ALL!

I ended up getting a Griots 6" DA Polisher and was able to successfully polish out the water spots using their Finishing Cream and Yellow pad. I only had time to do the hood because my wife was nagging for me to do her car but I knocked out the front hood and it looked great! Looked as good or possibly even better than the day I picked up the new car about 2 months ago. I followed it up with some Duragloss 105 + 601 and man, it made me want to polish out the rest of the car, even the parts that weren't affected by the water spots!

It's amazing how much crap the paint can pick up in just 2 months. I'm super happy I am able to tackle any issues myself now though! Thanks again everyone for the awesome advice!