Meguiars White wax Questions


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Jan 16, 2008
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I was in search for white wax for white car and found one from meguiars which got great reviews. However, I noticed this was a AIO (all in one) polish, wax and compound (i think) according to
The power of White Wax

Many got good results for their white car. But I didn't realize that this was used as a polish too sometimes. So I'm guessing this will take away some clearcoat and not good choice for waxing every two months correct?

If anyone has used this please let me know if it's safe to use every two months. I basically would be stripping this wax every two months with dawn soap or chemical guys wax stripper then re wax (by hand or da porter cable).
It is an abrasive AIO. It's correcting ability can be varied on the pad that is used. This should give you a better idea on how to use it. It actually lasts a little longer than 2 months.
It is an abrasive AIO. It's correcting ability can be varied on the pad that is used. This should give you a better idea on how to use it. It actually lasts a little longer than 2 months.

So basically if I use a white buffer pad for the da porter cable for example then it won't cut away the clear coat (i need to be certain so that every time I use it, its not gonna cut the clear coat. I'll get the paint thickness guage too lol) . But if i use a more cutting pad, then it certain will as it is a mild abrasive correct?

I guess if in doubt, I should use it like 1-2x a wear and other times just use a soft non abrasive carnabua wax.. does that seem like a plan. Just don't want clear coat thinning.
A polishing pad won't cut as much as a cutting pad. Same for a waxing pad. Use 3-4 times a year and you will be just fine.
A polishing pad won't cut as much as a cutting pad. Same for a waxing pad. Use 3-4 times a year and you will be just fine.

I thought polishing pad was a cutting pad lol guess more abrasive ones out there.

If using waxing pad, it will limit more cutting though clearcoat right? And just to clarify this white wax from meguiar will cut through clear coat eventually so every two months of application is pretty bad idea. Even 3 to 4 a year you are saying its fine but i do plan on keeping the car for long time and every two months of reapplication of this is probally bad idea right for clearcoat reason

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If your concerned about using an AIO why not use a true wax or sealant? The Megs white wax won’t give you 2 months of protection, most likely 1 month
My opinion... You'd have to be a real gorilla to thin out the clear coat enough to be a concern using an all-in-one product. I wouldn't even think about it until you waxed the car 40 or 50 times. That's about 8 years worth if you do it every two months.

I realize that clear-coat is thin but it is also pretty tough. Put your paranoia aside and wax away. I think your concern is unnecessary.

And there is absolutely no need to strip the wax using the products you mentioned as an all-in-one will remove anything that is left each time you use it.
If your concerned about using an AIO why not use a true wax or sealant? The Megs white wax won’t give you 2 months of protection, most likely 1 month

Well, I basically don't have much experience in trying different waxes and owning a white car, I basically looked for wax that brings the white out more and came across the white wax from meguiar. Didn't realize it was a AIO. What is a good wax you reccomend? I wanna be able to wax every 2 months just so i get things rolling and get the feel of taking care of car better then move to ceramic coating.
My opinion... You'd have to be a real gorilla to thin out the clear coat enough to be a concern using an all-in-one product. I wouldn't even think about it until you waxed the car 40 or 50 times. That's about 8 years worth if you do it every two months.

I realize that clear-coat is thin but it is also pretty tough. Put your paranoia aside and wax away. I think your concern is unnecessary.

And there is absolutely no need to strip the wax using the products you mentioned as an all-in-one will remove anything that is left each time you use it.

Well that's good to hear as I go no strength as a gorilla lol. If I go that route and 8 years (40-50x which is not gonna happen lol) and clear coat shows it's really thinning, couldn't you just go to auto shop and re-coat the clearcoat? I'm sure it cost a lot but less then full paint job i'm assuming. Or no one ususally gets a clear coat due to expense or not really needed . (or they just don't keep cars as long) .

I do knew it will strip away the wax so no need to strip the wax away, but I'm guessing it would pick up the old wax when using a da porter cable and the gunk will be picked up and affect the adherence of the newly applied wax. Kind of why i think removing it with dawn soap or something might be better. Just newbie thinking what method to go lol
I agree. You are way over thinking this. Do you think Meguiar's would sell a product that will remove all the clear on your car to the general public. It does not contain the amount of abrasives that are found in a compound.

If you want to wax every month you could always use a spray wax or in between AIO sessions. Mike P often mentions topping an AIO with a sealant. It won't last as long but that is always an option.

As others have mentioned you can use a dedicated polish 1-2 times a year and then follow up with a sealant that will generally outlast a wax. You can use a spray wax in between if you desire to do that until the next polishing session.

As far as dawn leave it for the dishes. It buys you nothing.
a great combo if you want to stick to OTC products would be white wax topped with ultimate quik wax every other wash or so...
Just don't want clear coat thinning.
The very act of driving the vehicle—out
there in the elements—will contribute to
the thinning of the ClearCoat paint. And:

Those same elements will also contribute to
the creation of ClearCoat paint imperfections;
imperfections like swirls, scratches, etc., that
will need to be buffed out—that is, if you want
to return the ClearCoat paint to its former glory.

Sometimes you’ve got to:
”bite the proverbial bullet".

If you want some waxes that are polymer heavy, create a lot of shine which can make white paint look bright, and will last two months or more you can try:

Pinnacle Liquid Wax
Pinnacle Signature Series II
Dodo Juice Diamond White or Fantastic Light
Poorboys Nattys Red
Mckees 37 Trademark Paste

These are all finishing waxes. You can use Meg’s white wax or any dedicated polish every 6-12 months to clean and use these every 2 mo the inbetween.
I agree. You are way over thinking this. Do you think Meguiar's would sell a product that will remove all the clear on your car to the general public. It does not contain the amount of abrasives that are found in a compound.

If you want to wax every month you could always use a spray wax or in between AIO sessions. Mike P often mentions topping an AIO with a sealant. It won't last as long but that is always an option.

As others have mentioned you can use a dedicated polish 1-2 times a year and then follow up with a sealant that will generally outlast a wax. You can use a spray wax in between if you desire to do that until the next polishing session.

As far as dawn leave it for the dishes. It buys you nothing.

I think that meguiars products are great i just dont trust my abilities at moment so i was being cautious. But i did kind of thought doing a aio then just doing meguiars ultra spray wax in between . Anyways ill just use aio quarterly then use a dofferent wax as im trying to get the feel of waxing and eventually do ceramic or some sealant

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a great combo if you want to stick to OTC products would be white wax topped with ultimate quik wax every other wash or so...

Every other wash hmm that means every two weeks for me hahah. Anyways I very two months of this combo should be good while i can do uqw anytime pretty much as i realize this get stripped pretty easily but nice to play woth as the shine is great and fun to do

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If you want some waxes that are polymer heavy, create a lot of shine which can make white paint look bright, and will last two months or more you can try:

Pinnacle Liquid Wax
Pinnacle Signature Series II
Dodo Juice Diamond White or Fantastic Light
Poorboys Nattys Red
Mckees 37 Trademark Paste

These are all finishing waxes. You can use Meg’s white wax or any dedicated polish every 6-12 months to clean and use these every 2 mo the inbetween.

Now thats a great plan i just want to find some routine but also try some new stuff out . Ill probally check one of those each and see which one works best and easy to work with. Seems like fun now to get things rolling lol

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If you want some waxes that are polymer heavy, create a lot of shine which can make white paint look bright, and will last two months or more you can try:

Pinnacle Liquid Wax
Pinnacle Signature Series II
Dodo Juice Diamond White or Fantastic Light
Poorboys Nattys Red
Mckees 37 Trademark Paste

These are all finishing waxes. You can use Meg’s white wax or any dedicated polish every 6-12 months to clean and use these every 2 mo the inbetween.

My vote is for Pinnacle Souveran Liquid Wax...i just finished my car this weekend using it and this stuff is amazing! Easy on...easy off and the shine it unbelievable.

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If you want some waxes that are polymer heavy, create a lot of shine which can make white paint look bright, and will last two months or more you can try:

Pinnacle Liquid Wax
Pinnacle Signature Series II
Dodo Juice Diamond White or Fantastic Light
Poorboys Nattys Red
Mckees 37 Trademark Paste

These are all finishing waxes. You can use Meg’s white wax or any dedicated polish every 6-12 months to clean and use these every 2 mo the inbetween.

How bout waxes that last only like couple months so i can wax every two months im guessing carnaba is way to go then? Eventually gonna do ceramic coating but gotta get some hands on waxing experience wax on wax off lol

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How bout waxes that last only like couple months so i can wax every two months im guessing carnaba is way to go then? Eventually gonna do ceramic coating but gotta get some hands on waxing experience wax on wax off lol

The waxes I listed above should all get you around 2 months by the time you notice a need to re-apply, Pinnacle Liquid Souveran being the most durable of those that gets me about 4 months in moderate environment (spring/summer/fall in Northeast). Any of the above waxes can be re-applied every two months easy, you’ll never get any build up from that type of usage.

Similarly, if you applied a top sealant like WG, BF, Mckees, PBL, Powerlock, etc every 2 months you also shouldn’t have any issues... 2 months isn’t the same as applying weekly which would be complete overkill. I still recommend doing your decon and polish every 6-8 months to refresh the paint and start with a clean slate on your paint... this would be an opportune time to switch up LSPs if you are looking to try new things.

As Jayfro mentioned, Liquid Souveran might be the best value, durable, simple choice.So easy to use.