Meguiars 205 by hand - scratches??


New member
Sep 22, 2010
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I happened to be playing around with Langka blob eliminator on a few slightly deep scratches on my driver's door.

It appeared that the blob eliminator caused some fine scratches into the finish, so I tried some M205 to clear this out
by hand, but it only seemed to make more fine microscratches. Since I had intended to polish my car soon with a Griot's DA,
using M205/M105, this makes me now feel uncomfortable that M205 is going to finish down to a glossy finish(black car)

I wound up using some scratch-x by hand to remove the fine haze from the M205 application. Is there a possibility that using M205
by hand is problematic???
Well 205 is known to be finicky on soft black but can also be the technique one uses when hand polishing. Most of us have a tendency to "scrub" or apply a lot of pressure with our finger tips that can haze up the paint. Since you have it I'd say give it a shot during your test spot and see how it does with the da

I used a regular grade Meguiars gold microfiber cloth. I have many more plush microfiber towels, but was trying not to have to re-wash my extra good stuff. I should also mention that I didn't really wad the towel into a small square, so I'm sure I was using much more fingertip pressure over a small area then I should be. The scratch-x did clean up the scratches however with some mild fingertip wiping through the cloth.
I’ve never ever have had that happen
when I use M205.

•I’m thinking two things:
1.) Did you polish ‘long enough’?
2.) Did you polish ‘clean enough’?

RE: #1:
Keep in mind that M205 has SMAT abrasives,
that do not break down like those in DAT;
which in turn gives M205 polish a long
working time. {Often it takes more than
just a few passes to correct paint blemishes,
all the while: not instilling more.

RE: #2:
Cleanliness is next to Godliness—even
when it comes to Detailing. Checking
pads, towels, products, etc. on a regular
basis for debris and other such contaminates
is a must, IMO.


I washed the car a few days ago and had not driven anywhere. I used some Meguiars's quick detailer and then some RM wax and grease remover before working on the paint area. Yes indeed, I spent the minimum amount of polishing time I could as I did not want to abrade any more than necessary. The odd part is that Scratch-X has no problems with mild polishing with pressure from a few fingers under the cloth (Yes I see I did make a big mistake doing this, but the scratch x has something unique in it to make it foolproof)

Originally I was trying to remove the scratches the Lanka blob eliminator created. I think my blob eliminator needed thinning with water and was too pasty.
Re-polish using clean foam applicator.

Fibers are abrasives -Mike Phillips

I'm glad I found this out today. The microfiber towels I was using had been used and washed before with Micro Restore, but there is no telling if the individual fibers were less soft than normal.
However, the only foam applicators I have lying around other than foam for the DA are foam encased in fine blunt microfiber. I will have to look on Autogeek's store to find something suitable.