foam gun wash dry then 2 bucket method?


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Aug 28, 2019
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Well reading the book on here I noticed that each panel you wash your suppose to rinse and then dry since water spots. I can attest that to be true and wondering if I do foam gun and then rinse, do i need to dry whole car then do 2 bucket method and do each panel afterwards/rinse/dry and next panel etc..

Seems like lot of drying lol But water stains really suck and only gets removed in my situation with some polish etc.

But i thought new car shampoos (im using chemical guys and adams) have like some ph neutral thing so leaving the soap on the car should be ok? And i can basically hand wash whole car then wash/dry..

so bit confused
Do yourself a favor, and take the worry out of it:

Only do a traditional wash on a cloudy day, or in the early morning/evening.

Otherwise, go with a rinse less wash. :)
What’s the atmospheric condition of the
wash/dry-site when you are usually out
and about washing vehicles?
{ie: sunny, shady, humid, etc.}

The reason I ask is:
I don’t ever seem to have water-spotting
issues when I wash vehicles in the shade.

The key to a spotless wash is not having the rinse water dry on panel.
i only worry cause my car is pricey and I justify getting it by being extra careful and dilegent. .In another words be extra anal haha.. I do like the discpline and motivates me in other areas of life lol
Well im in PNW state of washington so it's gonna be not humid, good air, lot of rain in fall and winter and not too hot. I think washing in shade can happen more often here so I'll take that route. Guess I just like the sun coming out and washing (back in the days where it was fun and didn't care about all the details of scratches and water stains and just wash in the sun lol and have water fights too lol
The key to a spotless wash is not having the rinse water dry on panel.

you mean basically rinse then dry and rinse and dry as you go right? Would you be giving more time to have less water stain if you constantly spray the car down while working on each pain.. then it won't have chance to dry. Only wanna do this after foam gun washing and not really wanna dry the car and then dry it again after 2 bucket method
Well im in PNW state of washington so it's gonna be not humid, good air, lot of rain in fall and winter and not too hot. I think washing in shade can happen more often here so I'll take that route. Guess I just like the sun coming out and washing (back in the days where it was fun and didn't care about all the details of scratches and water stains and just wash in the sun lol and have water fights too lol

Different world now, my good man.

As much as we depend on the Sun for our very existence, it is mostly a detriment to us freaks here on AGO when trying to perfect paint.

After the perfection?? Bring on the Sun!! Lol

Yeah, we are weird and selfishly demanding, but our paint looks great..... ;)
you mean basically rinse then dry and rinse and dry as you go right? Would you be giving more time to have less water stain if you constantly spray the car down while working on each pain.. then it won't have chance to dry. Only wanna do this after foam gun washing and not really wanna dry the car and then dry it again after 2 bucket method

Think he means that you keep on misting water on the vehical in times so it does not dry on the paint. This is what I do when washing. At the same time I rinse off the section I've just washed I spray on water on the rest of the car too. So spray down both the washed and not washed sections that is.

One other option would be to get you a DI water system and use it to rinse with and wetting the non washed sections. As it's not a problem if it dries on the washed paint or if you use it to rinse off the foam from the foam gun. If you have a very hard water where you wash. The resins in the DI water system can be fastly used up. And these resins is quite expensive. So when you wash you useally use it in the rinse step. You can rinse the whole vehical before you start to do the 2bm wash. And use the DI water in the wash bucket and rinse bucket and rinse off the car soap with it. Then you let it air dry or if it's a little windy or pollen season you dry it when you are done as usual. This way you avoid any problems with water spotting from the wash.
If you are worried about water spots then avoid washing your vehicle in direct sunlight in the summer time. If you have no other option, then a rinseless wash is the way to go. You are drying the panel immediately after you wash it so there is no risk of water spotting.
You had mentioned using a foam gun and they are a lot of fun. To me that takes the place of a wash bucket. Just use multiple wash mitts and/or a rinse bucket. Just try to use it in the shade or early in the morning or just before dusk. If the water dries on the surface and it is not baked in by the sun, you can dry the vehicle with a good quality towel like the Griots PFM and a drying aid. I like Wolfgang Uber but some guys like ONR, Ech20 and many others.
Lots of very good info that I totally agree with. It for whatever reason if you have terrible water hardness or have to wash when the sun is high and bright, I’d suggest investing in a DI water filtration system as suggested by Tony.
you mean basically rinse then dry and rinse and dry as you go right? Would you be giving more time to have less water stain if you constantly spray the car down while working on each pain.. then it won't have chance to dry.Exactly Only wanna do this after foam gun washing and not really wanna dry the car and then dry it again after 2 bucket method
That is why I always wash in the early AM. Been doing it all summer. Washing a vehicle in the hot sun is no fun.
I'm down here in Portland, OR. I use a foam cannon on the power washer and also a foam gun on the house hose. I usually foam, let dwell, then full rinse, foam again, and then do a 2 bucket wash. If I see that the panels are drying while I am washing the other side, I just foam it again. The same with the washed side...once I finish one side and go to the other, I'll check the first side and if I see it's kind of drying, I'll foam it again. But even I don't foam it again, I usually hit the whole car to empty the foam cannon or gun and then rinse. I use Meguiars x-press wax as a drying aid, so any water spots that might have formed while washing are wiped away during the drying process.

Don't over think this. Absent washing the car in 95+ degree weather, we don't have to worry about panels fully drying while we're washing.