View Full Version : Can't get this gunk off steering wheel - Help!

09-20-2019, 02:36 AM
(2013 BMW M leather wheel) I live in AZ so sweat on the steering wheel is always an issue. I do a quick MF wipe when I wash (every couple weeks) with CG Total Interior. Every four months or so when I wax, I use the CG Leather Cleaner and conditioner on the wheel, and it has always looked great -- matte finish, smooth to the touch.

I recently noticed some gunk on the wheel as shown in the photo. It's not sticky at all, but looks awful. I cleaned it tonight with the CG Leather Cleaner (using a soft brush and MF wipedown), which did not seems to remove much at all. I repeated the cleaning, again saw little to no improvement. Then I used Sonax Leather Foam Cleaner and Conditioner, and still no improvement. The photo was taken after the three cleanings.

Is it possible that dye has been removed? Honestly, I can't tell if there's something on the surface still to be removed or if dye has eroded. My previous car had the same wheel and did not suffer from this condition

Help! :help: What am I doing wrong, what product should I use, or is the leather just trashed at this point?


Mike Phillips
09-20-2019, 08:47 AM

Car is 6 years old.... could be simply worn down.

I always recommend using very NON aggressive products for problems like this, for example a little soapy water made from liquid hand soap like you have at a household sink and a microfiber towel. Then go from there.

I hope others chime in as this is a fairly common problem.


09-20-2019, 09:18 AM
I agree with Mike. Looks like wear.

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09-20-2019, 09:48 AM
Once you wear the coating off leather it will never be the same. Without coating the lather absorbs everything and is very difficult to clean without being so aggressive that you make things worse.
I would get myself a nice steering wheel cover.

Bobby B.
09-20-2019, 09:56 AM
The leather on the steering wheel looks worn. Maybe you can get the leather redyed? If not, I would recommend getting a WheelSkin. WheelSkin offers different colors and sizes and are easy to put on. I like the two-tone Black & Perforated Black Leather WheelSkin. Gives a nice sporty look and feel.

Good luck!

09-20-2019, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check out WheelSkins.

09-20-2019, 03:47 PM
I've got a '15 BMW M leather wheel that looks similar -- I chalk up the discoloration to my wife's driving it several times a week after swimming in a (fairly heavily) chlorinated pool. I've found CarPro Perl reliably brings it back to looking (almost) like new -- entirely removes/conceals the discoloration. Of course my wife continues swimming/driving, the discoloration returns, and Perl brings it (back every time). 1:5 works, but I use 1:1 in an attempt to extend the times between -- I got some CarPro leather coating that I'm hoping will last longer; but have yet to apply.