Spray on rinse on


Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Been a while...what’s out there? In the past, I used hydro2 but ended up using only on wheels bc of streaking on paint unless conditions were perfect. Saw hydro blue....what else is out there that’s spray on RINSE OFF—-not interested in wiping. Thanks guys
303 Touchless Sealant and there's no issues and it's quite a value as the bottle is larger, so you'll have enough left over to keep maintaining your rims. Sonax spray and seal is also great, have it on my wife's SUV right now, great beads since August 11th

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Meguiar’s Hybrid Ceramic Wax

You may not be able to get completely
away from having to wipe when using
these types of products: there’s that
pesky ol’ process of having to dry the
vehicle afterwards.


Touché...wiping the product in
303 Touchless Sealant and there's no issues and it's quite a value as the bottle is larger, so you'll have enough left over to keep maintaining your rims. Sonax spray and seal is also great, have it on my wife's SUV right now, great beads since August 11th

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+1 for Sonax Spray and Seal.
Sonax Spray and Seal for the more glowing look. Gyeon Wet Coat for the sharp crispy look that suits the white and light colored paints. The new version of Gyeon Wet Coat is really impresive that is a great bump up in the performance and longevity from it.

The Wet Coat and Carpro Hydro2 lite is very strong products so you don't use it in the sun and do a panel at the time. Also not so much of product needed to be used with it. So when you spray it on the surface try to spread it out as good as possible. I use 2 sprays per panel and the larger size panels 3-4 sprays and wipe it in before PW rinsing it off. Both to save product and getting a better coverage from them. Plan on where you spray it on the surface so you spread it out good when you rinse it off if you don't want to wipe it in. And with the Meguiars HCW it's only if you have flat water standing on the paint that you need to be doing a little more thorough application with drying it off. But that you will be doing anyways after you have rinsed it off. There where some that got the sprayers to almost streamed sprayed it on the surface. The one I got it was the best spread out from the nozzle that I have seen from any else of these spray on rinse off products. 2 sprays covered half of the hood easly. This is also something that you can do with other of these products to get a better coverage with less product. Is to put it in a bottle with a adjusteble sprayer head so you fan it out more than the original bottle does. Especially when you apply it on the vertical panels this helps you a lot to get it better spread out of the product.

Also don't apply these too often as they builds up the protection from them. In the first 3-4 applications with a week or 2 between them is good to do. But then it starts to get saturated on the paint and you notice it leaves streaks more than before. And not much of product is needed as it also can make it to streak. The most important to do is one or max 2 panel at the time. As it's cures so fast so if little of it does that you have a streaky mess to handle. Also a PW with some products like the Gyeon Wet Coat and Carpro Hydro2 is more effective to get it off more thoroughly. When you are done I flood the panels starting from the top. To ensure you get all residue off the paint. Just a few tips that I have used from useing many bottles of these products with great results from them.

/ Tony