wool pad on DA polisher : )


New member
Mar 14, 2008
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I just wondering if i use a wool pad for heavy cutting on DA polisher what results i am going to have on a dull and full of scratches paint.
It will haze the paint like no tomorrow. I would only recommend such an approach on gelcoat.

If you need more cutting than an orange pad, step up either your compound or your number of passes.
It will haze the paint like no tomorrow. I would only recommend such an approach on gelcoat.

If you need more cutting than an orange pad, step up either your compound or your number of passes.

I was wondering if i could use it as Step 1 and then follow up with polishing pads and milder polishers up to the end just for faster scratch removal.It's just a general question.
Or maybe it is harder to remove the haze instead of scratches??
In the show and shine there was someone on here that did that and the results turned out great. I believe it was on an Audi A4. Check the newer posts in show and shine and it should be in there.
Been there - done that. One of the first details I ever did, I used Megs 84 and a cheap wool pad on my PC. Car was a scratched to hell white BMW 325i. Took forever! You'll be better off if (assuming all you have is a PC or UDM) to get some 5.5" orange LC low profile pads and Menzerna IP. Take it slow but do check the paint temp often, cause if you have never used those pads before, you'll be surprised!