PBL Diamond Paint Coating


New member
Mar 1, 2017
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I see AG has the PBL Diamond Paint Coating for buy one get one free. Seems like a great deal, but does anyone know the shelf life of the product?

The other question I have is around the prep. Do I need to use PBL Surface Cleansing Polish or will any paint prep work? I recently purchased the Blackfire Paint Prep and would prefer to use that if it will work the same.
Blackfire paint prep will work just fine. It is the same paint prep in the PBL line. If you are worried about this coating crystallizing in the bottle, then it won't do that. I don't have an honest answer on shelf life.
I can’t answer exact shelf life either, but the wheel and glass coatings last years. I’ve only had the paint coating for a short time and yet to use.