cobra cross groove pads


New member
Jan 30, 2007
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has anyone given these a run?? i need to purchase some more pads and ive always used lake country pads since i started detailing and im not sure if i should switch it up or stick to what ive been using. any input on these pads? i havent heard much about them on the forum so either they are not thaat great or not to many people have given them a try.
I used them on the last detail I did on my Viper. They did a great job especially since the car has so many curves. I would recomend them.
I tested out a white cobra cross grove pad versus a white lc ccs pad with Menz 106FA. The cross groove pad was more "forgiving" than the lc ccs, i.e., initial plop down onto the paint didn't have the stiff "bounce" that the lc ccs has. My impression of course. Because of the beveled edge, it was nice to work with around concave and convex curves.

One thing I noticed, however, was the inconsistency of the grooves when comparing the orange vs. white vs. red pads; wide, thin and in-between, respectively. I did feel that when spreading the polish over the area you're going to work, it was easier to do so with the cobra X groove.

I would suggest that you purchase 1 of them in the cut you use most and give it a dance. EG., you need 3 new white lc ccs pads, make one of them a cobra X groove.

Heck, if Gary (wierd cuz it's my first name too) enjoyed using them on his Viper, you'd have nothing to lose trying them out yourself.

I decided to take a leap of faith today and picked up 7 LC CCS 7.5" curved pads to use on my new Flex 3401; 3 white, 3 green and 1 red. Gotta finish my Rustang and take care of 2 moderately swirled Porsches this month.
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Uhhh, cushy? The grooves essentially make the surface into multiple square pads on top of a larger pad. Like multiple small springs on top of one large spring.

I didn't use them long enough to really get a feel for whether one was using more product than the other.
ohhh okay i get what u are saying. hmm yeah im only planning on getting like 2 pads, so i suppose i will get one cobra pad and give it a go. thanks fellas!
I used the org pad the other day. And I was very impressed with it. I will be getting a few more:buffing:
haha wow...3 of the big time detailers who posted in this thread gave these a thumbs up. they must be good. i will give them a shot!
3? Try 2.175, LOL. I'm still a detailing n00b compared to Gary and HighEnd. Well, maybe not detailing but definitely polishing. Still, they get a thumbs up from me; still trying to get a feel for my pad preference.
Just FYI if you are at Detail Fest and want to try out one of these pads come see me! We will have some available to hand out. They are great foam pads.
Are you using them with a rotary or orbital buffer ? They look similar to the "score" pads except for the recessed pocket on the score pads.
ill be using them with my flex DA. i wish i could come. i was sooo close to booking my plane ticket but then i realized that i would not be able to make it.