Newbie drying in sun


New member
May 21, 2020
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Hi every one,

Newbie here, no experience with cleaning cars at all however given the extra time I have thought I would give it a try instead of taking to the hand car wash I usually go to.

I recently made the mistake of washing and drying in the sun. I obviously had the same problem that is reported everywhere - the wash went well, rinsed it down and then had about 3 seconds to dry the car before it dried it self (was hot to the touch). Even as I was drying the roof I could see it drying itself and leaving water spots.

I then did a little bit of research on YouTube of people who wash and dry in the heat and they all seem to use some sort of dry aid. So they wash, rinse, spray on dry aid, rinse again (and you see the beading etc) and then dry meaning there is a longer time available to dry before water spots.

I then read that quik detailer etc can be used as a rinse aid so I have ordered some which is coming later today.

My question is this : when using quick detailer as a dry aid - do I do wash, rinse, apply quik detailer, rinse again, dry? Or do I missed out the rinse again phase and go straight from apply quick detailer to dry (as in apply and dry at the same time), so no need for the rinse again stage?

Thanks - this forum is so helpful.

First off, try to avoid doing a wash in the sun. Try early morning or late evening. As far has a QD used as a drying aid...

1. Wash
2. Rinse or flood rinse
3. While still wet, spray on the QD
4. Dry with a quality drying towel or MF
First off, try to avoid doing a wash in the sun. Try early morning or late evening. As far has a QD used as a drying aid...

1. Wash
2. Rinse or flood rinse
3. While still wet, spray on the QD
4. Dry with a quality drying towel or MF

thanks so much for your reply, out of the many views on here and MOL you were the only person. I didn’t want to spend all the time washing etc again and then fail at the last part. I have also now got some Ultimate Quik Wax as well so I might try that right at the end. Thanks again.
I will add to pro 4x's list, and suggest washing on cloudy days as well.

Also, if the vehicle is not super dirty, a rinseless wash can be done in the sun. You do only panel at a time, then immediately dry it hence avoiding water spotting.
If the surface of your car is so hot that water dries in 3 sec., then I would guess that a QD would dry up awful quick too.

Either avoid the sun & heat or go rinseless as Paul suggested.
Must have shade is rule #1. Rule #2 is follow rule #1. And rule #3 seek forum advice as this place rocks.
While shade is nice, there is none to be found in my neighborhood. When you live in an area that was once corn fields and your garage doesn't have a drain, your only choice is to make the best of it and wash in the sun. I do try for early morning or late evening to keep things from drying out so fast, but often life doesn't work that way.

I have found drying aids are the key to making a wash successful...that and working fast.

QD sprays work well as a drying aid, but I've also found waterless washes work very well as a drying aid too. The nice thing about waterless washes is they are often more economical since they are typically sold as a concentrate you then mix up yourself for use. This makes them go a long way for very little money.
Great advice when no shade ! And those of us with shade have to avoid tree sap which is a real pain.
Reposting due to mistake, try using something that will aid in drying that way you won’t scratch paint.
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Hey I’m new here, I thought I’d chim in. Dallas paint and correction recommend Superior Products Formula 4 Spray wax. I think I’m diluting it wrong because it leaves a white film after drying, does anyone know about this product. To OP if you want to try it you buy gallons at Oreilys for $20.00?

If the product is not sold here on AutoGeek, it is not allowed to be discussed.
I do apologize man I own up to mistakes but I understand rules are rules.
Hey OP, if the quick detailers you ordered don't work out for you I have a good one for you. I have the same problem with water spotting before I can completely dry the car. It's called Sonus Acrylic Spritz. It's not labeled as a drying aid but works great as one. The benefits are that it has good lubricity, removes any spotting as you dry, doesn't streak and leaves a slick glossy shine that doesn't attract dust. I use it after every wash on both glass and paint. Zero streaking or smearing.

I buy Sonus Acrylic through Walmart online. The vendor is Premium Finish Car which is Autogeek. Autogeek is the U.S. distributor for Sonus.

I also use Sonus Acrylic Glanz once a month after I dry the car with Spritz. Glanz is Sonus's Acrylic spray sealant. The difference between Glanz and Spritz is that Glanz has more Acrylic protection and Spritz has more lubricity and cleaners. Both are awesome reasonably priced products.
I buy Sonus Acrylic through Walmart online. The vendor is Premium Finish Car which is Autogeek. Autogeek is the U.S. distributor for Sonus.

Premium Finish Care is in Bradenton, not West Palm Beach/Stuart. And Autogeek/Vision LLC is the exclusive U.S. distributor for Sonax, not Sonus. Though AG does carry Sonus products.
Premium Finish Care is in Bradenton, not West Palm Beach/Stuart. And Autogeek/Vision LLC is the exclusive U.S. distributor for Sonax, not Sonus. Though AG does carry Sonus products.

Ok, when I order Sonus from Premium Finish Care through Walmart it ships from Autogeek in Stuart.

I just read this. Now I understand. PFC manufactures Sonus. Autogeek distributes it for them. About Us
Here's what I do if I cannot avoid washing in the sun. I wash all the places that are dirty beyond a rinseless wash then I use a rinseless and do just a half a panel at a time to get it dry before it spots.