Micro Towels Nightmare


New member
Apr 23, 2006
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My 5 year old daughter and friends decided to help her daddy and wash all his micro towels in tide with softener.......

what i did was rinse thoroughly and rewash with micro restore wash

am i saved??????:work:
I think the best way would be to test them out. Spray a QD on a panel on your car. Gently wipe the towel over the surface, and if cleans the surface right up, then your good. If it just smears, then they are shot.

If your worried about marring, then do the test on your windshield or side windows.
I'm by-no-means a towel expert.
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I think the best way would be to test them out. Spray a QD on a panel on your car. Gently wipe the towel over the surface, and if cleans the surface right up, then your good. If it just smears, then they are shot.

ok..........ill post back again.........thanks much......:)
Bill..the fabric softener is just a type of a silicone...it will wash out no problem....either Micro restore or something like Wisk or Tide free...

only problem a fabric softener can do is cause streaking from the residual product on the fibers...and also make it less absorbent for a drying towel...

even a soak in a bucket with some APC and then a good wash will do it...your ok...they will clean up

You may be OK Bill. I'm no expert by any means but guys have posted that after using a fabric softener with their MF's they put them in boiling water for 5 minutes. It will release stuff into the water so when finished pour out the water. If you pull out the towel first it will reintroduce the stuff floating. Wish that I could remember who posted this??????? Good luck.
You may be OK Bill. I'm no expert by any means but guys have posted that after using a fabric softener with their MF's they put them in boiling water for 5 minutes. It will release stuff into the water so when finished pour out the water. If you pull out the towel first it will reintroduce the stuff floating. Wish that I could remember who posted this??????? Good luck.

MIKE, AL, AND JIMMIE thanks.....i feel better now...i told my baby that she was a good girl for helping daddy and here is some special towels for you in your own PINK box daddy made especially for you, and you can wash them when ever you want.... BUT NOT THESE TOWELS IN THE RED BOX:D.......

[ old beat up cotton towels in the PINK box......]
Did that......thanks......luckily i had just bought another container....:-)
I have a friend who borrowed a few of my MF towels, washed them, and yes, used fabric softener. Had to rewash them later myself.
I usually leave my towels in buckets filled with hot water and some apc or other cleaner type wash. Gets all gunk out including wax. Tricky part is carrying the buckets from inside w/o spilling very hot water:D
I was wondering if you could clean mfs with a 1/4 cup of simple green. Like how it say to do to clean your clothes ???
You may be OK Bill. I'm no expert by any means but guys have posted that after using a fabric softener with their MF's they put them in boiling water for 5 minutes. It will release stuff into the water so when finished pour out the water. If you pull out the towel first it will reintroduce the stuff floating. Wish that I could remember who posted this??????? Good luck.

:D You have learned well Crasshopper
Jon (TOGWT) posted this initially about pulling the towels "through" the soot that is boiled out.
a wash or two with some cleaner or a cup of vinegar should help.
:cheers:Towel Update........there Ok. Last Wash With The White Vinegar And Previous Washs Did The Trick.

Thanks Guys.....and Gal......;)
I just washed mine 3 times, once with MicroRestore and twice with a small amount of Megs Super Degreaser. I hope that did the trick because my guzzlers weren't guzzling anymore:( I also boiled them first, but didn't have a pot deep enough to keep them from going to the top and getting into what was being boiled out of them. Also, nothing "stayed" at the top when boiling, just rolling over again and again. Oh well, at least they're cleaner now:) I'll update when I use them again.
how much vinegar would you put into a med sized load to soften MFs?

i don't know, but i did put a full measured cup in the final rinse.......

i think Scott knows what amount to use....but whatever amount i used worked in conjunction with the Wash's