View Full Version : Mold-like stains on plastic around dash air vents

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07-17-2020, 11:02 AM
Appreciate if you can recommend any products to remove stains around my C7 vette air vents (left and center dash vents). I live in Florida so I'm thinking it might even be mold from all the humidity. I usually wipe down dash with Grigot's and micro fiber but that is not having any effect. I've tried a mild mold remover from the Marine Store and no luck. Also tried white vinegar in a small area - no luck either. Photo of left vent area attached.

Mike Phillips
07-17-2020, 01:18 PM
Here's your picture,


See the sentence I turned BOLD below,

Appreciate if you can recommend any products to remove stains around my C7 vette air vents (left and center dash vents).

I live in Florida so I'm thinking it might even be mold from all the humidity.

I usually wipe down dash with Griot's and microfiber but that is not having any effect.

I've tried a mild mold remover from the Marine Store and no luck. Also tried white vinegar in a small area - no luck either. Photo of left vent area attached.

Griot's spray wax?
Griot's interior cleaner?

(Griot's makes a lot of products)

Because you've already tried a number of things that I too would have tried with no or ZERO effect - this leads me to believe the surface has undergone a physical change where the material has been physically altered.

By this I mean, the surface material has been stained via the mold and it's physically altered it's appearance or pigment.

At this point I'd say the last hope would be to try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's my initial thoughts....


Mike Phillips
07-17-2020, 01:21 PM
This is kind of related even though we don't "abrade" interior surfaces, it still kind of applies....

Topical Defects vs Sub-Surface Defects - Living life on the edge of the razor blade (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-to-articles-by-mike-phillips/126603-topical-defects-vs-sub-surface-defects-living-life-edge-razor-blade.html)


07-17-2020, 01:27 PM
Appreciate the thoughts. It's Griot's Interior Cleaner.

Mike Phillips
07-17-2020, 02:22 PM
Appreciate the thoughts. It's Griot's Interior Cleaner.

Copy that.

I have some specialty products for cleaning mold that I show in my boat detailing class.

There's no way to know if they would work unless a guy tried them.

Where do you live?


07-17-2020, 03:57 PM
Do you remember what cleaner did this to your interior,

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07-17-2020, 04:43 PM
Let us know if your able to get them off, I’m wanting to know and learn

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07-17-2020, 04:52 PM
Copy that.

I have some specialty products for cleaning mold that I show in my boat detailing class.

There's no way to know if they would work unless a guy tried them.

Where do you live?

I’m at Eglin AFB in NW Florida.

07-17-2020, 06:13 PM
If all you have used to apply cleaners is a microfiber, I would give it a try with a medium firm toothbrush or equivalent detail brush. A microfiber is not going to work the cleaner down in to the grain of the plastic surface.

Mike Hoekstra
07-17-2020, 07:46 PM
I've seen similar staining to plastics when a product like WD40 or similar has been over-sprayed on it accidentally or intentionally sprayed. Have you used anything like an aerosol cleaner or a spray product of any kind near by the area? Propellants, sunscreens, sanitizers, etc. can have a chemical reaction of some kind and stain. Or have you accidentally had a drink spray when opened?

07-17-2020, 10:11 PM
Jrock I’m interested in seeing if they come off.
Keep us in the know

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07-19-2020, 07:25 PM
Copy that.

I have some specialty products for cleaning mold that I show in my boat detailing class.

There's no way to know if they would work unless a guy tried them.

Where do you live?

Are the products you mentioned available for purchase on this site?

Mike Phillips
07-20-2020, 09:09 AM
Are the products you mentioned available for purchase on this site?

No I ordered them from outside vendors as they are "specialty" items.

We sell Mold Remover in our Marine 31 line and it works really well but it's primarily for boats and the surfaces it is primarily used for on boats is white. It tends to have a bleaching effect.


Mike Phillips
07-20-2020, 09:10 AM
I’m at Eglin AFB in NW Florida.

Skynet says that's around 550 miles one way from Autogeek.

If you were local, I would day stop by and I'll pour-off some small bottles of these product and you can test them.

I don't think they will work simply due to the surface material.


Mike Phillips
07-20-2020, 11:28 AM

Here's what I have,


I checked with my very good friend Parker Richards, also very knowledgeable about mold and mildew removal in the boat world, he think either the Sporicidin or the Serum SBC should do the trick.

But you won't know until you try.

I would be happy to pour you off some small sample size bottles and ship them to you if you want to give them a try. Have to be with the understanding that you do this at your own risk.

If you agree, PM me your shipping address.
