First time polishing with 3d Speed


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May 6, 2020
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Just placed my order for 3d speed, 6 LC flats, 4 white 2 orange. And a griots G9 kit. Will this amount of pads be enough? If not I can always clean a few on the fly correct? And for cleaning pads I can always just use some dawn right? Any tips you guys have for 3d speed that could help me out thanks guys! This will be my first time polishing. Trying to make my destroyer grey Kitty pretty has a decent amount of light scratches.:laughing:
Best thing to do is to clean pads the same day you use them before the polish has time to dry on them. As long as you do that plain water will suffice, however AIO’s tend to be a bit harder to wash off pads compared to normal compounds & polishes. But plain water should still work fine. They can take time to air dry though.

Did you buy 5” or 6” pads?

What’s a destroyer gray kitty?
3D Speed is an all in one product. While it has some correction ability, It is mainly geared toward paint enhancement. Depending on the condition and the paint hardness on the vehicle... an orange pad can do wonders. Slow arm movement and smaller work area would help in that respect. Do a test spot to see which pad would yield the best result. It wont be perfect but it is an all-in-one after all.

In regards to Pads.... one can never have too many. A dry pad does better than a wet pad soaked with product. I say 5-6 of each and clean as you go. I generally use anywhere from 8 to 10 for most mid size vehicles especially when it comes to paint corrections..

A Dawn solution might not be able to remove the residue on the pad. I Soaked my pads in a "Snappy Clean" pad solution overnight after 3D speed and it did very little. I Sprayed Blackfire Pad cleaner directly to the pad and with a little agitation by hand and it came right off.
I got 5.5 inch pads. And it’s a charger hellcat lol. I’m hoping the 4 white pads will be enough but if anything I could use 1 of the oranges if there’s a worse area.
It’s a lease so it doesn’t have to be perfect, I just want it to be less swirl and scratch free. That’s my goal
You can probably make it work with that amount of pads. When I’m using an AIO, I never do more than 3 section passes. To me it is designed to enhance the finish, not perfect it. So with that said as long as you’re not oversaturating the pad with product, you could possibly get around the entire car. On the other side, I’m a huge proponent of having a lot of pads and MF’s.
I've found Dawn (or equivalent dishwashing liquids) to work well for cleaning AIOs from pads. Use it full strength and quite liberally to break down the product and then thoroughly rinse. Repeat as necessary to get it completely clean.

As for cleaning pads on the fly... that works but only until the pad becomes saturated, then its time for a new pad. When I use an AIO I'll clean the pad with a terry cloth towel after each section. Rub the pad firmly with the towel from the center to the outside to squeeze out as much spent product as you reasonably can. Cleaning it often (after each section) will keep the pad from becoming saturated for a few more cycles than if you wait too long between cleanings.
I do detailing as a side hustle and nearly every job I land is an HDSpeed job.

I used to use a G9. For the car you’re describing I would likely have used 8-10 LC flat orange pads.

I don’t clean on the fly. The only way I’ve found to get best results is to keep that pad swapped out, normally after each panel.

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Just placed my order for 3d speed, 6 LC flats, 4 white 2 orange. And a griots G9 kit. Will this amount of pads be enough? If not I can always clean a few on the fly correct? And for cleaning pads I can always just use some dawn right? Any tips you guys have for 3d speed that could help me out thanks guys! This will be my first time polishing. Trying to make my destroyer grey Kitty pretty has a decent amount of light scratches.:laughing:

I never seem to notice people suggesting a slower multi day process for DIYers. I love machine polishing but i don't have the patience to polish a whole car in one day. You don't need a lot of pads if you split up the polishing sessions.

Maybe i'm just lazy. lol But i figure i just don't have the process down like professional detailers. Never will. If i clay/polish more then a few hours it starts becoming work.

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