Anybody Else Follow America's Cup ?


New member
May 7, 2019
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These foiling yachts are crazy !
And that was one spectacular capsize suffered by American Magic the other day. :wowwow:

Hit with a squal, they had to tack far left for the final gate, and as they came out of the manuever their leeward runner did not release, pinning their sail just as they caught a gust of wind. The bow reared up, both foils came out of the water, and over she went. :eek:

In the end they were just going too fast for such an aggressive manuever in those conditions. They had a fast boat but hadn't been able to get a win yet in this round, so they were going for it and got bit.
Re: Anybody Else Follow America's Cup?

•To paraphrase Chuck Berry:
-”It won’t be me, uh uh no,
it won’t be me;
-It might be some other body,
but uh uh no, it won’t be me”!
