How much are you willing to spend on wax?


New member
Oct 2, 2010
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You get what you pay for. Obviously, cheap waxes have cheap ingredients. I don't have a problem spending $30 - $40, but how much better are $60, or even $100 waxes?

And what is the deal with the $500 waxes?!? Are the ingredients really that much better? Then there's the $1000 waxes! ###?!?! For that kinda money, I want a bikini clad hottie to pop out of the can and wax more than my car!!
I use Fuzion but to date I've only bought the sample size. I like the look it gives on my Belize Blue Honda

The most expensive wax I've bought is Souveran. Yes it's worth it to me because it's a pleasure to use and looks spectacular on all colors I've tried. Of course it would be nice if it lasted long.
I don't think I've ever spent over $20.00-$30.00 (in today's dollars) on any wax, anytime in my life. And with those $20 waxes/polishes/glazes I have won multiple "best paint" and "best in show" awards. Not my own cars, but rather cars that I have painted.
You can win shows ( as I have) with Souveran too. I wish there were more around here to participate in.
•Two of my favorite ‘Waxes’ cost only:
-$17.99 for 15 oz. (paste)
-$18.99 for 16oz. (liquid)

•I only ever consider buying the
high-priced stuff (~$40-50) if it’s
on AGO’s Clearance Rack.

Yea...... I have spent a lot on waxes. Are the big dollar ones that much better????? Only if you are happy with your purchase. Is a 500$ wax 10x better than a 50$ wax.... absolutely not.
I have a pot of Dodo Juice Blue Velvet that I bought about 12 years ago for $95, I'm only about half way through it. That's Australian dollars, so the exchange rate can vary. It still goes on well, and seems to last. It works well on my Mum's Dark Blue Qashqai.

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$55ish for Dodo Juice Orange Crush. Worth the money for the look in my opinion. But that's on my garaged, non daily driver Camaro. I'll try Dodo Scarlet Fever when this runs out. But that's the limit.

Daily Driver's get either Collinite 845 or Finish Kare 1000P. Both inexpensive.
I took advantage of the recent AG 40% off sale on Pinnacle to pick up a jar of Souveran.
Whatever the going price is for a can of Collnite 476s or a bottle of 845.........:cool:
I bought some Fuzion a few years back. I'll use it once in awhile just because it's sooooo easy to use and I really enjoy it.

That being said, FK1000p is my go-to base sealant. An $18.00 tin will last just about forever using it twice yearly.
I bought the sample size Fuzion about a year ago because I was curious if it was as good as everyone says. I think it is.

I almost bought to full sized tin (in the box) when it was on sale 40% off a few months ago but I just couldn't do it...yet. :D