View Full Version : The use stuff up challenge... Prima vs OPT

05-17-2021, 06:54 PM
Need to add some protection to my Astro Black MINI Cooper convertible. I have a couple of options to go with...

1. Prima Banana Gloss (and Slick to maintain)
— or —
2. OPT Optiseal & Spray wax (and OID to maintain)

I need to use both up so it’s a matter of which to use first. Or put another way, which will I use for a Texas summer coming up.

I have a trial pot of Dodo Juice wax (the hard one for white leftover from my old Jag) but don’t think summer is the time to use it.

05-17-2021, 07:05 PM
OPT all day. Prima is awesome for use in direct sun and looks pretty damn good but it doesn’t last more than a month from what I remember.

05-17-2021, 07:14 PM
OPT all day. Prima is awesome for use in direct sun and looks pretty damn good but it doesn’t last more than a month from what I remember.

So use the Opt in the summer and leave the Prima for winter.

05-17-2021, 07:19 PM
I really wouldn’t even use Prima unless you like putting products on frequently.

05-17-2021, 07:21 PM
I really wouldn’t even use Prima unless you like putting products on frequently.

I have it and don’t want to toss it. Maybe I’ll give it away.

05-17-2021, 07:22 PM
I have it and don’t want to toss it. Maybe I’ll give it away.

Do you have lawn equipment, Tex? Riding mower, etc?

05-17-2021, 07:30 PM
Do you have lawn equipment, Tex? Riding mower, etc?

Why yes I do. Lol.

05-17-2021, 07:34 PM
Why yes I do. Lol.

There you go.

I have the best-looking riding mower and snow blower in town because of my "disappointing" car care purchases. :awesome::laughing:

05-17-2021, 07:45 PM
There you go.

I have the best-looking riding mower and snow blower in town because of my "disappointing" car care purchases. :awesome::laughing:

Banana Gloss actually looks really nice. It just doesn’t last that long.

05-17-2021, 11:55 PM
•Being that OCW [Optimum (Spray) Car Wax]:

“has the same UV blockers that’s in CC paint”
~Dr. G...

-it almost seems like it was specifically
formulated for the kind of Summers that
occur not only in Texas; but, as well as
other States that have similar subtropical
and (arid) desert climates.

•As an added bonus:
-Opti-Seal can be used as the ‘base coat’
under the Optimum Car Wax.

Hope this helps in making your paint
protection decision:

Need to add some protection to my
Astro Black MINI Cooper convertible.

Or put another way, which will I use
for a Texas summer coming up.


05-18-2021, 07:22 AM
Prima Banana Gloss has been on my list. But I think I’d go with option 2.