How important is durability to you?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2019
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One of the biggest qualities in a product people seem to look for/obsess over is durability. Claims vary product to product depending on the product type and environmental conditions.

I wash my car at least 2-4x a month. After each wash, I refresh with whatever I'm using at the moment. My car is always protected. And with today's products, it couldn't be any easier.

Do you prefer the longevity of a coating, or are you content with just using waxes/sealants etc. with routine application to refresh?
I wash every weekend in the summer months. Therapy after a long work week. I also top with wet wax after each wash. So my truck is always protected too. Durability is important. More so in the winter months. I do not use a coin op or auto wash in those months. I will wait till the temps break and do a traditional wash. So it's a toss up. You want stellar looks, but at the same time products that will last.
I feel the same. I like the idea of the TW Wet Wax.
Durability only comes into play for me in winter months. During good weather I wash mine at least once every two weeks. Usually more often.

Finding a good strategy for winter once salt drops is tough. I don't have a sealed floor/walls in my garage to use a true sprayer wash and am way to chicken to use a WW as its truly intended to be used. I will attempt to heat my garage really hot with kero heater then quickly move the car out, wash and pull back in.
Durability only comes into play for me in winter months. During good weather I wash mine at least once every two weeks. Usually more often.

Finding a good strategy for winter once salt drops is tough. I don't have a sealed floor/walls in my garage to use a true sprayer wash and am way to chicken to use a WW as its truly intended to be used. I will attempt to heat my garage really hot with kero heater then quickly move the car out, wash and pull back in.

I'm in the same boat. I'm in NJ and our winters aren't too bad. I can usually squeeze in a wash on one of the warmer days.
I was actually thinking about this last night when I was washing my car.

I prefer to put a good sealant/coating first for the protection so I know that the paint is protected, I do this about once every six months or sooner.

After the sealant/coating is laid down then I go after max shine or gloss after each wash or if I feel like it at that moment!

Case in point with my car, since my last facelift/polishing about 6 months ago (I think) I laid down a coat of WGDGPS and I was very pleased. Since then I’ve laid down a coat of 303 Graphene, couple of coats DoDo Juice Blue Velvet Wax, Pinnacle Liquid Souveran, DoDo Juice Red Mist and Future Armor, and last night I used Griots Best in Class just to give it a little more pop!

I think I’m a graduate of Roger aka Klasse school of “How Much Stuff Can I Put On My Car”!! :)


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Durability is very important to me.

- I need something which can survive going weeks/months between washings and offer at least 6~7 months between applicaitons in a cold/wet/salty environment. During the winter, it may only warm up enough to do a hand wash a couple of times, so the car only be touchless washed when it's warm enough. Even then, the car is in a semi-dirty state for extensive periods of time.

- Even in the warmer months, I don't want to be constantly re-applying my LSP. I like the freedom of only having to wash my vehicles for YEARS between coating applications. I'm able to schedule out major detailings of my vehicles to the point I only have to do one/two a year at most. I will have to admit the latest high-quality spray sealants these days are starting to eat away at my argument since they are so easy to apply and would easily get me through the warm months with only a couple applications.
Durability is very important to me.

- I need something which can survive going weeks/months between washings and offer at least 6~7 months between applicaitons in a cold/wet/salty environment. During the winter, it may only warm up enough to do a hand wash a couple of times, so the car only be touchless washed when it's warm enough. Even then, the car is in a semi-dirty state for extensive periods of time.

- Even in the warmer months, I don't want to be constantly re-applying my LSP. I like the freedom of only having to wash my vehicles for YEARS between coating applications. I'm able to schedule out major detailings of my vehicles to the point I only have to do one/two a year at most. I will have to admit the latest high-quality spray sealants these days are starting to eat away at my argument since they are so easy to apply and would easily get me through the warm months with only a couple applications.

Makes sense in that case. Your winters are probably similar to ours here in NJ.

My thought process is if I can at the very least wash my car once a month, durability isn't too much of a concern. It takes 5 minutes to go around the car after its done re-applying LSP.
For sure. At my age, work smarter not harder. Once that base coat of TW Spray coating is on i am good to go. Just maintain it with the wet wax after each wash. Have to dry the truck anyway. Takes no effort with max. results. This combo got me thru the last PA winter with great results. Come spring i do the 3-step.

1. TW P & W
2. Spray coating
3. Wet wax to maintain

Like Mike used to say, "Find something you like and use it often!"
Makes sense in that case. Your winters are probably similar to ours here in NJ.

My thought process is if I can at the very least wash my car once a month, durability isn't too much of a concern. It takes 5 minutes to go around the car after its done re-applying LSP.

Do you have a heated garage?

My problem is since I only hand wash 1~2 times a winter, the car is never clean enough to apply an additional layer of LSP. Touchless car washes don't get a vehicle clean enough. The other problem is temperature. I don't have a heated garage and found when temps are in the 30's F (or much lower) products don't apply very well/easily. They are streaky/smeary and hard to buff off.
Do you have a heated garage?

My problem is since I only hand wash 1~2 times a winter, the car is never clean enough to apply an additional layer of LSP. Touchless car washes don't get a vehicle clean enough. The other problem is temperature. I don't have a heated garage and found when temps are in the 30's F (or much lower) products don't apply very well/easily. They are streaky/smeary and hard to buff off.

Unfortunately I don't have a heated garage. Good point, temperature is important.
I like durability just because I'm lazy and don't want to re-do it often. Also, I like coatings because they make cleaning the car easier. But a coating that lasts 2 years is good enough for me, I have no need for more than that as around 1.5 to 2 years I think every car can use some polishing again which will remove the coating so it's no good if a coating lasts 5+ years (which some claim to).

I used to do sealants every 6 months. Coatings are definitely better for me as they last a lot more than that and are much easier to maintain. A wax does look better in some conditions but I'll take cleaner car with a little less depth.
I only brought this up because we live in a time where detailing products easier than ever to use. Coatings are clearly superior, but also require extra care. There are even some offering a lifetime warranty now - System X. I just don't see what all the hype is about.
I'm all about looks and depth so I continue to use Fuzion. I really don't mind re applying every few months. It's the main detailing thing for me. My car is always garaged so I can prolong the look too.
I only use wax once or twice a year , after that Iuse spray wax every 3 to 4 weeks .I wash twice a week , my car sits outside 24/7. My spray waxes of choice at this time are the new TW Ice spray was , Technitions Choice Aqua Wax ,DG Aqua wax, EO Wipe and Shine. Even though Wipe and Shine is a spray detailer it last like a spray wax.

4444444aqua Wax
I only brought this up because we live in a time where detailing products easier than ever to use. Coatings are clearly superior, but also require extra care. There are even some offering a lifetime warranty now - System X. I just don't see what all the hype is about.

They don’t require any extra care. People think they do buts it’s a myth. It’s no different than using a wax or sealant. Just longer durability, longevity and better self cleaning.
They don’t require any extra care. People think they do buts it’s a myth. It’s no different than using a wax or sealant. Just longer durability, longevity and better self cleaning.

Good to know I wasn't aware of that. Thank you.
Like mentioned above by several guys, I like the durability in the winter. And, it is also nice to know that what you use can survive the summer months/hot sun.

Collinite fits those bills for me perfectly. Once in the Spring, and once in the Fall. I have no problem applying an LSP 2 times a year.

In fact, of the 4 major steps (De-con, Wash, Machine polish, LSP) the application of the LSP is by far the most relaxing/enjoyable for me.
Im also in NJ and durability is not as important as ease of use for me. Ive never gone more than 2 weeks without applying something. I will add that my vehicle is not kept outside so Im sure that is a factor. I usually put on a sealant in Spring and Fall then maintain with one of the spray products.
The older I get, the more important
the durability of LSPs becomes. Here’s
one of my ‘definitions’ of durability…

•Assuming a vehicle with a BC/CC paint
system has just received an LSP-application…
then, going forward: the less I have to touch
that LSP, in order to maintain that “just LSP’ed
look”, the better.

For example…Back in April, 2015:
•After doing all of the pre-LSP steps I like
for all our vehicles to undergo (wash/dry;
correction; “pure-polishing”/glaze; etc.)…

-I then applied one layer of FK 1000P (aka:
FK BWM 101) to our 2015 model year vehicle.
[Note: Since then, I have only used Meguiar’s
D114, along with edgeless MF-Towels, as the
sole maintenance products/tools.]

-That same layer of FK1000P—initially applied
six and one third years ago—is still going strong.

In summary:
The above mentioned fantastic car-washing
products/tools, notwithstanding…FK1000P:
Now that’s what I call a durable LSP
