#1 Yellow Carnauba Wax........


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Nov 8, 2006
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i noticed every wax on the market claims #1 yellow carnauba!!! why do wax companys say there useing the best carnauba wax #1? is there a #2 ?..:D or is this just marketing?
i noticed every wax on the market claims #1 yellow carnauba!!! why do wax companys say there useing the best carnauba wax #1? is there a #2 ?..:D or is this just marketing?

yes there are different grades of wax...#1 being the most refined for clarity...

here is some info from Mothers on grades of wax....

Carnauba is available in various grades of purity and clarity: #1 yellow is the top grade going downward to #2 yellow, #3 yellow, and various other commercial grades. For our wax products (California Gold® Carnauba Cleaner Wax, California Gold® Original Formula Paste Wax, California Gold® Natural Formula Pure Carnauba Wax; paste and liquid; and Hot Wheels™ Premium Wax) we use #1 yellow exclusively, the finest grade of carnauba available.

the lesser grades are used in cosmetics..candy...medicines..since they do not need clarity...

Carnauba Wax
Number one grade Carnauba varies from a very pale yellow (so called ‘white’), through a greenish brown (yellow). It is the world’s purest, hardest and most transparent natural wax repellent derived from the Brazilian palm Copernia Cerefera. This wax coats the leaves and is hydrophobic; it forms a barrier that is a natural deterrent from acid rain, airborne pollutants and acidic bird excrement.

Its colour is determined by the ages of the leaves when harvested, and ranges from pale yellow (new, unopened leaves) to a greenish brown (older leaves exposed to sun and weather).

Carnauba Wax - http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/f38/carnauba-1263.html
yes there are different grades of wax...#1 being the most refined for clarity...

here is some info from Mothers on grades of wax....

Carnauba is available in various grades of purity and clarity: #1 yellow is the top grade going downward to #2 yellow, #3 yellow, and various other commercial grades. For our wax products (California Gold® Carnauba Cleaner Wax, California Gold® Original Formula Paste Wax, California Gold® Natural Formula Pure Carnauba Wax; paste and liquid; and Hot Wheels™ Premium Wax) we use #1 yellow exclusively, the finest grade of carnauba available.

the lesser grades are used in cosmetics..candy...medicines..since they do not need clarity...

oh ok thanks!!!