A string of dead end phone calls..


New member
Mar 3, 2019
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I’ve had a pretty good year doing detailing as a side hustle (this is my sixth year). In the month of May I grossed $5k.

Last week I had four callers who inquired about my work. Every one of them ended up giving me the ‘let me run it passed my wife and I’ll get back to you’ line and never called again.

One guy asked about an ‘18 Yukon XL three kids, rail dust, dirty. He wanted int, ext, and ceramic coating. I quoted $880 sight unseen. (I know some of you are cringing at that quote). He didn’t like it.

Another guy with an ‘04 Bonneville wanted int, ext, wax. Quoted $280. Had to talk to wife. Nothing in response.

My garage has been idle for a few wks now. These peaks and valleys happen but this valley feels different.

That’s just my $0.02 for the day. Anyone have any thoughts about the business end of things?

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I guess I’m asking if there are any pros out there who could give me a hug and tell me everything is going to be ok…

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Unfortunately I can't speak on the pro detailer front, but I can say in the automotive repair business (even as a technician, not a service writer) I've taken some phone calls from price checkers. They'll call asking unusually specific questions about your pricing (usually asking for your hourly rate during the call as well), then of course it all sounds great and they'll talk to the spouse and "call back" (they never do...).

Not sure how you're listed, but maybe you got on someone's radar enough to price check?

Since it's side hustle and not main gig, hopefully it's just denting your fun money and not causing sweat for the daily bills. Hope some dirty cars start showing up at your door soon!
The economy is bad and getting worse
Elections have consequenses-- not trying to turn this political- but its just a fact. Money is tight and getting tighter by the month
The economy is terrible now, but people who regularly spend $500+ to have their car detailed are usually immune to the "penny-pinching" that most of us do in a bad economy.

Hell, even in a good economy I wouldn't spend $500. That's why I learned to do it myself. Lol

I have a term for the people you have dealt with recently, Eric.

"Tire Kickers"
I agree. Honestly though, I was hoping to hear from you guys and be able to blame this slump on something other than Joe Burden’s economy.

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I felt this was relevant enough with your situation that I thought I would share. I do detailing on the side, it is my passionate hobby where my actual career (cyber security sales) pays the bills. A few years ago I was in a slump of my own. I had always had peaks and valley's before, but as time went on I began to wonder when things would turn back around. It took me 80 days before I finally posted a sale for the quarter, but after that deal came in it was like the floodgates bursted and the journey back to the peak was that much sweeter. My point is that some slumps feel different and go longer than others to the point that you begin to wonder if you need to swap jobs, consider career changes etc. For me, I am a man of faith and I trust in God's plan that everything would work out. Have some faith and keep digging down, things will turn around. When they do your trip back to the peak will be that much better.
Who wears the pants in those families? :D

Checking with the wife is a “cop out” for making a decision. They could of just said that is more money then I want to spend. Thank you.

I was at a tire dealer once looking at mag wheels. He mentioned to run it past the wife….. I said “the wife could care less about wheels”.
I've played in this one particular golf tournament for years now. The standard going rate for one of these events used to be $125. At one point in time, it became more fashionable (LOL) to charge $150. So $150 was generally what you could expect to pay.

The organizers of that tournament bumped that up to $160. It was $160 for the past...I'd say 3 or 4 years now.

A friend of mine volunteered to be on the organizational committee. He asked if I had registered this year. I told him I did, but why? He said the committee was concerned that only about 60 people registered this year, as opposed to 100 last year. That seemed like a big drop-off.

As I logged into the site to pay, I noticed the price had increased to $170. I called my friend back and told him exactly why there were much fewer applicants - $170 is a line that people are not willing to cross now for this kind of event. People are watching every last cent, and I don't blame them.
Who wears the pants in those families? :D

Checking with the wife is a “cop out” for making a decision. They could of just said that is more money then I want to spend. Thank you.

I was at a tire dealer once looking at mag wheels. He mentioned to run it past the wife….. I said “the wife could care less about wheels”.
None of this is my situation but im Playing devils advocate here.

The guy might be calling to get a price b4 he brings it up to his wife so he has an actual number to say hey this is what it will cost. He might be ok with the price and not sure that she will be.

She might take care of the books, and have only a joint account...so hes gotta ask. I personally know ppl like this. Theyre terrible with money and can be careless when it comes to misplacing the bank cards, so the other person takes care of all the finances. They get given cash when they need money.

Now when you talkin about blowing 3-4 hundred or more on one thing...even if you have the money to just make the purchase and ya wont even feel that its gone, in my eyes ya have no respect for your wife if ya dont atleast tell her what your spending when it comes to bigger purchases.

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One guy asked about an ‘18 Yukon XL three kids, rail dust, dirty. He wanted int, ext, and ceramic coating. I quoted $880 sight unseen. (I know some of you are cringing at that quote). He didn’t like it.
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Personally being an xl i woulda have went up a smige more in price but i think thats fair depending on location and such.

And yes economy is not good so most folks will be less careless with thier un nessesary purchases.

Also people might just be calling aorund to get a price quote to see what person or shop theywant to go with. But they should just be honest about it.

Ever thought aboit doing semis? Can be steady if you get a company hooked to using your services on a constant basis

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None of this is my situation but im Playing devils advocate here.

The guy might be calling to get a price b4 he brings it up to his wife so he has an actual number to say hey this is what it will cost. He might be ok with the price and not sure that she will be.

She might take care of the books, and have only a joint account...so hes gotta ask. I personally know ppl like this. Theyre terrible with money and can be careless when it comes to misplacing the bank cards, so the other person takes care of all the finances. They get given cash when they need money.

Now when you talkin about blowing 3-4 hundred or more on one thing...even if you have the money to just make the purchase and ya wont even feel that its gone, in my eyes ya have no respect for your wife if ya dont atleast tell her what your spending when it comes to bigger purchases.

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Spot on

My wife and I are both retired

Me from the State of Alaska and her from 25 years in the service

I don't need to go into details but she brings home 6.5 times more retirement income each month than I do

Her financial sense, planning, foresight, whatever you choose to call it is the reason we are able to live the way we do, travel when we want, etc etc etc

You damn right I talk to her before I spend much more than a tank of gas

Regardless of the above it is simple common courtesy to the woman I have spent the last 47+ years with
I work in retail and sometimes the run it by and call back, usually that’s a sign of “more than I thought it would cost”.

I would follow up with something like:

“Great, definetly makes sense to run it past the wife. If you don’t mind me asking was it the price or the process you would want to run by her?

If it’s process first I’d like to ask…. Did I answer all off yours? If she has any questions feel free to call me.

And while your price shopping I will just be honest you’ll probably going to find cheaper and definetly more expensive.

What makes my details worth their price is….”

At that point explain your process and products you use. Give them an idea about the time that is involved and how this is a hobby for you not a job.

That same guy calls around and gets a basic quote with no info, unless your way out of his budget he’ll probably call back.

A lot of people don’t think “cleaning a car” is worth it so going through your process can make a world of difference.

He is now shopping your quality of work, product and dedication vs price.

Like most of us here do for a quality Mechanic…..

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I work in retail and sometimes the run it by and call back, usually that’s a sign of “more than I thought it would cost”.

I would follow up with something like:

“Great, definetly makes sense to run it past the wife. If you don’t mind me asking was it the price or the process you would want to run by her?

If it’s process first I’d like to ask…. Did I answer all off yours? If she has any questions feel free to call me.

And while your price shopping I will just be honest you’ll probably going to find cheaper and definetly more expensive.

What makes my details worth their price is….”

At that point explain your process and products you use. Give them an idea about the time that is involved and how this is a hobby for you not a job.

That same guy calls around and gets a basic quote with no info, unless your way out of his budget he’ll probably call back.

A lot of people don’t think “cleaning a car” is worth it so going through your process can make a world of difference.

He is now shopping your quality of work, product and dedication vs price.

Like most of us here do for a quality Mechanic…..

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I learnt a long time ago that one should never belittle or devalue a person's worth in their professional life.

I was once told, by an extremely wealthy gentleman, that what I do was not rocket science and that I basically had no right to charge the prices for the work I do. Now, correct, gardening is not rocket science. But who does that person call when his rose bushes have bugs or a sprinkler is broken and he has no idea how to fix it. Well, I could say that it's not rocket science myself and that he should fix the problem himself, free of charge. I learnt that day to never question a person's worth, never belittle someone for what they do and how much they value their time.

I also work in retail part time, and I think it's extremely rude to question the price of something in a defensive, dismissive or demeaning way. That customer has absolutely no idea what it costs to run a business, how much it costs to land a product on the shelf, pay someone to put it on the shelf, pay someone to sell the product and at the end of the day make some money out of it all. Sure, ask for the price, consider it, but then be a gentleman in your response.

Two pet hates in this world -

-Those who devalue someone's worth.
-Those who be a d.ck about price or about what someone needs to charge to make a living.

I always want to return serve with the same questioning, perhaps along the lines of "would you work for a 20% discount just because I think your price is too high for what you do". But then, I am a gentleman and don't act like a d.ck.
you can't control the sea or the weather, but you can steer the rudder and trim the sails

fortune is in the follow up, get their names, call them back, thank them for the opportunity, offer to answer any questions and then be direct and tell them you want their business

you will get some that you aren't getting now, if you aren't already doing that every time you get an opportunity

gotta be bold if you want the cheese, timid salesman have skinny children :)
you can't control the sea or the weather, but you can steer the rudder and trim the sails

fortune is in the follow up, get their names, call them back, thank them for the opportunity, offer to answer any questions and then be direct and tell them you want their business

you will get some that you aren't getting now, if you aren't already doing that every time you get an opportunity

gotta be bold if you want the cheese, timid salesman have skinny children :)

Great “pearls of wisdom”.