Consolidating Products - Best AIO & Wax/Sealant?


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Feb 22, 2013
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Hey guys,

It's been years since I've paid much attention to what is going on in the detailing world in terms of products. I'm a big fan of HD Speed and have used it as my AIO for quite some time, but I'm sure there is something better out by now (maybe not?).

I've got a lot of old products that are unfortunately just no good from sitting in a hot garage for years. I'd like to consolidate my products down to one AIO I can use and one wax/sealant. I've got a 1961 Beechcraft Bonanza N35 (V-Tail) that I like to take good care of - so whatever I get, it will likely be used to maintain the paint on it.

What are your guys' suggestions? Are there any good ceramic sprays that are easy to use? I tried some Graphene spray a while back and hated it because it was so hard to remove and created a surface that wasn't slick (like the complete opposite of a wax).

Consolidating Products - Best AIO & Wax/Sealant?

3D Speed is still a great product.

The AIO i have my eyes on is Rupes UNO Advanced. I don't think it will correct so much as speed from my research...
Speed is still the top dog! BF One step is also great but Speed is usually cheaper with very similar performance.
Re: Consolidating Products - Best AIO & Wax/Sealant?

3d 505 correction glaze i have used and love it(body shop safe version of 3d speed). I have not used speed so i wont reccomend something i havent tried out. And for protection if you are going with 505 or speed i would use 3D poxy and or 3d bead it up. All awesome products and i have and use.

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3D Speed is still a great product.

The AIO i have my eyes on is Rupes UNO Advanced. I don't think it will correct so much as speed from my research...

I suspect that UNO isn't as aggressive as Speed. In back to back testing, with UNO and BF's One Step, i did find I had more correction with the BF. It was also more sun friendly (mobile work). And i feel BF is close to Speed in correction ability. Not sure which is more, though.

Speed is still the top dog! BF One step is also great but Speed is usually cheaper with very similar performance.

Having loved Speed, One Step became my Go-To for most AIO jobs. I still use UNO, and plan on getting the new Advanced when it's available.

Another option that may work for you OP, is Poorboy's World Polish With Sealant (or wax, or the other..they have a few in this family). No abrasives, just a straight cleaner polish with some wax or sealant left behind. Easy to work with. Sun friendly. Priced well.
I love 3D Speed.

I also use Opti GPS, and Meguiar's M06 Cleaner Wax.

For a pure wax/sealant I've been using Optimum Car Wax.
Other good aio are Duragloss 501, 101,and 105, with or without there hardner.
Speed is still the best-working and slickest (to the touch) AIO out there IMO.

And I still love that "Grape Soda" scent it has. :D

And I'll second Dan's recommendation of OCW. That stuff just works.

Another good one is DuraGloss AquaWax. :)
Other good aio are Duragloss 501, 101,and 105, with or without there hardner.

I still love and use 101 as an AIO if the paint isn't too banged uo and I want to leave something that will actually endure a harsh winter.
Speed is still the best-working and slickest (to the touch) AIO out there IMO.

And I still love that "Grape Soda" scent it has. :D

And I'll second Dan's recommendation of OCW. That stuff just works.

Another good one is DuraGloss AquaWax. :)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention my love, Aquawax!

I mentioned OCW because it has nuba in it.
3D Speed is still a great product.

The AIO i have my eyes on is Rupes UNO Advanced. I don't think it will correct so much as speed from my research...

Would you happen to know when UNO advaced will be available?
No idea.

It's available in the UK. Close to 2 weeks now i guess.
maybe they're waiting for SEMA, which starts this week, to release it here.
I think I might try the new Griots Cermaic AIO and the Griots Ceramic Spray. Seems to have very good feedback and something that lasts longer would be a huge plus.