Which waxes contain beeswax and mineral petroleum (paraffin and microcrystalline).


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Jul 12, 2006
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Hey guys I was wondreing what waxes contained mineral petroleum (paraffin and microcrystalline), animal (bees) wax???

"Wax is an organic material that is solid at room temperature, melts at a fairly low point and is not a polymer. Wax comes in many types, including vegetable (carnauba), mineral petroleum (paraffin and microcrystalline), animal (bees) and fossil (montan). And yes also synthetic."
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deleted link at it involved another forum .... please be considerate of them also.


I know for a fact that P21S is heavy in beeswax. Thats why it beads so well. It was a common ingredient in all those spray wash/wax items as it looks good but does nothing for paint. I have seen Montan wax in alot of carnuaba product descriptions, blended. Zymol uses it .... not sure on Pinnacle, Poorboys and others.
killrwheels@autogeek said:
deleted link at it involved another forum .... please be considerate of them also.


I know for a fact that P21S is heavy in beeswax. Thats why it beads so well. It was a common ingredient in all those spray wash/wax items as it looks good but does nothing for paint. I have seen Montan wax in alot of carnuaba product descriptions, blended. Zymol uses it .... not sure on Pinnacle, Poorboys and others.

I think the S100 is also heavy in beeswax also.