Menzerna--"my Opinion"


New member
Jul 13, 2007
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Received today SIP & NANO polishes, also white and grey pads from Lake Country, My jeep had major swirls, all I can say is "OH MY GOD!" this stuff rocks, I could not see one trace of a swirl at all!!!!!!!!!! AWSOME!!!!!
Used the Nano on single stage paint w/DA and lake country pads and was very impressed then used it on my Mountaineer clear coat w/DA and lake country pads, the stuff is awesome, the finish was amazing. Just ordered Menzerna's SIP.
C'mon where are the pics?? :D

Glad to hear of yet another satisfied Menzerna's definitely good stuff.
It sounds like Menzerna polishes are the way to go. I've seen more positive comments about it than any other polish. Hey guys what does "singe stage paint" mean? I'm new to the game.

Thank you,
I love SIP and Nano. Used it on yellow single stage paint with incredible results. Fantastic products!
is there any place to buy a smaller bottle of 106ff than the 32oz size? it would take me forever to use up the 32oz bottle just doing my car twice a year...
Did you have any problems with it dusting? I've been using SIP lately and to be honest I had better results with SSR 2.5 w/ white pad than SIP w/ orange or white.
I still have a good amount of the polish left that I use, but after reading post after post, with nothing but outstanding results, I ordered a set yesterday.... I can't wait to use it.
is there any place to buy a smaller bottle of 106ff than the 32oz size? it would take me forever to use up the 32oz bottle just doing my car twice a year...

Wolfgang Finishing Glaze 3.0 comes in 16oz and very similar to Nano ...
There's a reason why so many people swear by works. I have been using it for years and it will remain in my arsenal. And yes, it's expensive but it's like that old line "Why's divorce so expensive...b/c it's so worth it". :)
Wolfgang Finishing Glaze 3.0 comes in 16oz and very similar to Nano ...

So are they essentially the same thing? I read that its a combo of Wolfgang Glaze and 106ff...Other than the size does someone have experience comparing the two?

Thanks much in advance.
I like Menzerna's products a lot, and I think that some of the older products don't get the credit they deserve. Although 106ff leaves a great finish, it has a tendency to have recurring holograms on soft paint (e.g. it looks great after polishing, but a month later light holograms come back) if used via white pad or stiffer on rotary.

For soft paints, I've actually had better luck with FPII than the new products. Also, SIP and 106ff can be very finicky and weather dependent, sometimes they work like a dream and sometimes they just want to spit and gum all day. A couple tricks I've learned with them over 50-60 cars:

1. Spur your pad with a toothbrush after each panel (cuts down on working issues bigtime)
2. If you're using a rotary, finish with a nonabrasive pad (blue, black or red)
3. Work them out of the sun to avoid 95% of problems
4. Have another comparable polish around in case they don't play nice (Presta UCCL is a great backup to SIP for those muggy days)
5. The new generation of compounds (M105, 3M EC) is far superior to PowerGloss
6. If you are going to Zaino or KSG or JW or any other finicky sealant, use an AIO, a strong wash (double strength Z7, P21S TAW, etc), or an IPA wipedown after 106ff. This will significantly increase the durability of the product
So are they essentially the same thing? I read that its a combo of Wolfgang Glaze and 106ff...Other than the size does someone have experience comparing the two?

Thanks much in advance.

I've used both and have to say they're very similar... in results, looks, scent, use, etc. I'm sure they changed something... but it's hard not to believe it's not just a re-package as they're so close. If anything, I experienced less dusting with the WG products (but 1 use in good conditions isn't enough to conclusively say that will always be the case).
I've used both and have to say they're very similar... in results, looks, scent, use, etc. I'm sure they changed something... but it's hard not to believe it's not just a re-package as they're so close. If anything, I experienced less dusting with the WG products (but 1 use in good conditions isn't enough to conclusively say that will always be the case).

Thanks much. Kinda figured that but looked like from the description that Wolfgang was a combo of 106ff and their glaze. Boy the term glazes might be the most confusing one in detailing right now.
Menzerna polishes are my #1 choice almost three years running. The best part , they keep getting better !
Menzerna 106FF and a rotary are an awesome combo with on orange/white pads.