Coating High Spots


May 20, 2020
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Over the past 10 day's after work I've been spending a few hours every evening fully correcting and getting my Dad's car ready to apply Gyeon Mohs Evo while he was away on vacation as a Father's Day present. I finally finished up last night while it was dark and only today after work I was able to pull it out in the sunlight to look at the final result.

Lo and behold I noted down at least 20 high spots. At least one or more on every single panel/section. The hood itself is for sure going to need to be completely repolished. This is my 5th time apply a coating lite like Cancoat or SiRamik Lustrous Plus Graphene or a full fat coating like 22PLE HPC and I did not have any high spots that I could see with those. I was super careful with my wipe off but I'm not sure if it the temperature/humidity in my garage (75 degrees and around the same humidity) or I just didn't wipe Mohs Evo fast enough. Mohs was pretty much instantly sweating but I still did a second up and down pass like the video guides showed. Should I have not bothered with the second pass? I was doing roughly 2"x2" in sections on each panel so it's not as if I was trying to do too large of a section at a time. I made sure to secondary wipe well outside of the section I just coated. It's also possible that even though I did wipe enough the build up residue on my secondary towel is the culprit. In all likelihood I didn't change sides often enough and the build up was getting pushed around on the edges.

After having something nearing 40 hours into the whole project I'm just completely disgusted and just need to step away for a week or so before I can stand to work on or even look at the car again. Am I going to have to fully repolish the entire car or can I just spot repolish the high spots and a few inches around them and then reapply Mohs Evo to those sections? I'm going to assume something like Sonax Pefect Finish or NV Finesse with a Rupes white pad will be enough or will I have to step up to a yellow pad? Can I put this off for a week or two when I can get back into the right state of mind to fix this and/or it isn't raining? There's less than 10ml of Mohs Evo left so I'll have to order another 30ml bottle to ensure I have enough to recoat the areas or panels.
You are letting it sit too long on the surface. As soon as it sweats it’s time to be wiped off.

If it’s a light paint then spot correcting is less visible. But try it and see if that spot looks darker that has been spot corrected. It may be ok as you just recently polished.

And yes a polish like that will remove it easily.
Gridlick, relax, it happens.

I betcha he doesn't even notice and he has a ceramic coating.

If it really bugs ya, promise him another work up next year, same time.
Agree with both above. Shitt happens, dont let it keep ya down.

Guz was spot on.

Mohs is not one that like to be overworked, dont let it set to long. Wait to light that cig til after your done coating, not while your applying haha

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Over the past 10 day's after work I've been spending a few hours every evening fully correcting and getting my Dad's car ready to apply Gyeon Mohs Evo while he was away on vacation as a Father's Day present. I finally finished up last night while it was dark and only today after work I was able to pull it out in the sunlight to look at the final result.

Lo and behold I noted down at least 20 high spots. At least one or more on every single panel/section. The hood itself is for sure going to need to be completely repolished. This is my 5th time apply a coating lite like Cancoat or SiRamik Lustrous Plus Graphene or a full fat coating like 22PLE HPC and I did not have any high spots that I could see with those. I was super careful with my wipe off but I'm not sure if it the temperature/humidity in my garage (75 degrees and around the same humidity) or I just didn't wipe Mohs Evo fast enough. Mohs was pretty much instantly sweating but I still did a second up and down pass like the video guides showed. Should I have not bothered with the second pass? I was doing roughly 2"x2" in sections on each panel so it's not as if I was trying to do too large of a section at a time. I made sure to secondary wipe well outside of the section I just coated. It's also possible that even though I did wipe enough the build up residue on my secondary towel is the culprit. In all likelihood I didn't change sides often enough and the build up was getting pushed around on the edges.

After having something nearing 40 hours into the whole project I'm just completely disgusted and just need to step away for a week or so before I can stand to work on or even look at the car again. Am I going to have to fully repolish the entire car or can I just spot repolish the high spots and a few inches around them and then reapply Mohs Evo to those sections? I'm going to assume something like Sonax Pefect Finish or NV Finesse with a Rupes white pad will be enough or will I have to step up to a yellow pad? Can I put this off for a week or two when I can get back into the right state of mind to fix this and/or it isn't raining? There's less than 10ml of Mohs Evo left so I'll have to order another 30ml bottle to ensure I have enough to recoat the areas or panels.

That sucks. I've had lots of high spots before. I used perfect finish with the rupes yellow foam.

If i ever try another coating outside it will probably be gyeon pure because of the extended leveling window. Unless your really used to coating cars i don't think its a good idea to use quick flashing coatings. Not for me anyhow, i feel too rushed.

I did think i would like quick flashing coatings but now after trying 2 i think it was a bad idea lol
Thanks guys. I'm already feeling better about things but it was a real downer to see after how much time I put in that I completely screwed up the coating application. Lesson learned at least. I'll come back to it next week after I order another bottle of Mohs Evo and see how the spot correction goes. Worst case if the fixed spots are still noticeable on the dark metallic blue paint I'll have a long July 4th weekend to do a light polish and start over again.

I do think from here on out though I'll stick to coatings that have a longer working time or allow me to do entire panels instead of small sections.
You are letting it sit too long on the surface. As soon as it sweats it’s time to be wiped off.

Mohs is not one that like to be overworked, dont let it set to long.

Agree with both after applying it for the first time a couple months ago. Not only do you wipe the the instant it starts to sweat, but typically one pass over the area with applicator is all you need. If you go back over the area a second time, you'll run into issue with it due to the product starting to flash while you're still trying to spread it around.

I actually like Mohs EVO better because of this due to the speed I can apply it. I simply cover the section with one pass of the applicator and start removal the minute I finish. This lets me plow through the whole vehicle pretty quickly. No sitting around waiting for larger areas or even multiple panels to flash.

Yeah maybe fix the hood and a couple bad ones but not a big deal.

If you do recoat just a light polish and coat away.

All the major work done.

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One very important thing… use new towels.

Use one to wipe initially, and a second one for final buff.

If you’re using old towels they’re not going to pick up the coating, but rather smear it.

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