XMT #2/#3 vs. WG TSR?


New member
Mar 4, 2006
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I have been usung WG Total Swirl Remover and am pretty satisfied. Would it be worth it to try the XMT#2 and #3 products? I'll be working solely with a PC. Thanks.
That's what those products are made for so you might as well get #2 & #3. One forum member just did a review of those products and posted pictures in the "Show & Shine" section. You might want to check it out. I believe the thread is now stickied.
Waxmax said:
I have been usung WG Total Swirl Remover and am pretty satisfied. Would it be worth it to try the XMT#2 and #3 products? I'll be working solely with a PC. Thanks.

I would highly recomend using pinn xmt line, I've never tried WG tsr, but I use the xmt line a lot, they are very easy to work with and give amazing results, plus they smell great too.
Thanks for the replies. WG TSR is a multipurpose swirl remover, where the pad selection dictates the aggressiveness. It's good, but like most of us, always looking for something alittle better. Excessive Detail, your comments about ease of use and results sold me....I will give the XMT#2 and # 3 a try.
I find that XMT and SSR lines have a very easy learning curve. Great results ... they are worth a look.