anyone using Frog tape to mask?


New member
May 25, 2008
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I have alot of this stuff for use while i redo portions of my house; i don't mask alot when painting around the house, but when i do, i need NO BLEEDING and easy removal- and the Frog stuff outdoes the 3M blue big time. it's green, so it's pretty easily identified. Looks just like the body shop spec 3M tape.

my question is if anyone is using this stuff to mask while using a rotary or DA; it has been working pretty good for me, but i do notice that it seems to let go of some of its adhesive when struck with a buff towel or the wheel/pad, which means it smears around a little bit. it's not that big of a deal, but i'm curious if this happens with blue tape too. this stuff removes like a dream, and is SO easy to use, but...i'm just curious if smearing is normal when buffing, etc.
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