P21s Total Auto Wash Nightmare!!!!!!!


New member
Nov 8, 2006
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saturday i decided to give my truck a nice bath before waxing. it was filthy!! so i decided to pure 2 ounces of optimums soap to a bucket along with a few gulps of p21s toal auto wash to give me a squeky clean surface before waxing. i wased then dryed with micro then blew with leaf blower. that left some water spots but i fiqured no problem the wax will take them out . well no!!! they dryed like concrete on the paint .waxing didnt remove the tiny spots:mad: and theres was also a film on the crome bumper too. so i had to use a paint cleaner along with wax!!!! so what was suposed to be a nice relaxing waxing turned into a full blown cleaner and wax!!!! my water is very hard wear i live i quess mixed with a degresser didnt help but made it worse!!
I would have presprayed the car/truck with Total Wash then washed seperately. Sounds like something did not mess completely within the ingredients of two different products.
May I ask why you were trying to use wax to remove waterspots?

Unless your wax has abrasives in it I dont see why you would try wax..
I would have presprayed the car/truck with Total Wash then washed seperately. Sounds like something did not mess completely within the ingredients of two different products.

killrwheels, when you have presprayed a car with P21S then washed, do you rinse off the P21S (or other degreaser) before washing or just wash it off with the car wash?
IMO you should blast off all the P21S so all the dirt that it has removed is off the surface leaving you a clearner surface to wash.
May I ask why you were trying to use wax to remove waterspots?

Unless your wax has abrasives in it I dont see why you would try wax..

A lot of waxes have solvents which can 'clean' per se. Fresh water spots are easy to remove and the solvents in waxes may be strong enough to remove them. A quick QD may have been a quicker solution to using a paint cleaner though.
A lot of waxes have solvents which can 'clean' per se. Fresh water spots are easy to remove and the solvents in waxes may be strong enough to remove them. A quick QD may have been a quicker solution to using a paint cleaner though.
your probably right . i just didnt want to use a spray wax because i wanted to see the real shine of lusso with out anyhelp. thanks guys for your help.