Times Using Rinseless Wash vs. Car Shampoos?


New member
May 16, 2007
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Since becoming a convert to the ONR type washing, my once beloved DG 902 car shampoo sits in the garage untouched...My car doesn't get that dirty and it's just so much easier, quicker and saves water.

Just curious what everyone in here use the most?

Although those foam guns sure look fun!
Spring and Summer it's still the 2 bucket method with a good carwash.
I do like rinseless washes but if the weather is nice, I still grab for a bucket and a hose. I think ONR is quicker than a traditional wash but not enough time saving than pulling out the hose. Living on a dirt road makes it hard to keep up with washes, by the time I am able to do a wash, it is, in my opinion, too dirty to wash with ONR when a hose is available.