IPA wipedown between WG FG and WG DGPS?


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Jun 5, 2008
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Is an IPA/Prepsol wipe down needed between Wolfgang Finishing Glaze and the Deep Gloss Paint Sealant? I know that the FG has oils in it, but wasn't sure if the DGPS would be safe to apply over those oils. Thanks.
they are compatible with each other, no wipe down needed.
Wolfgangs Finishing Glaze is more a finishing polish and has very light sealant compatible fillers. It is silicone free too. Since sealant is pure without cleaners, this should work well together. Hope it helps ...
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Thanks for the killr. Much appreciated.

I don't think you'd want to remove your glaze right after putting it on =)
Like killr said, it is actually more of a polish than a true glaze, thus the reason for my question.:cheers:
unfortunately each manufacturer can use a detailing term to stand out or set product apart from others. Glaze used in this case is more about the finally glossy reflective look from polish then filler and oily appearance of a true glaze.