Just keeps getting worse, please help.

Z71 4X4

New member
Jun 6, 2008
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Regarding my brand new Tahoe, which is black. Last week the apartment complex painted the parking garage while I was sleeping, so they actually taped my truck off in plastic to do it. Checked it briefly, tried not to be too mad. Now today after a car wash I noticed a nice patch of overspray right on the side of it. So I went to a paint/body store to see what to do and they got me a reducer that he said would be safe on factory clear coat. Well it was, but the plastic trim molding instantly hazed, badly. He said it will buff right out, will it? I don't mind that because I already bought tons of stuff here and planned to polish the whole thing anyway. Now I'm angry and worried, so, besides going after everyone involved, what do I do to fix it? Also got a plywood rash I have to correct on the front already, and a couple of small scratches... this sucks. Please advise about the dull, hazy trim (it looks like just regular factory paint/clear but I guess not) so I can know what to do in the morning. Thanks.
For the trim the best product IMHO is Black Wow,just make sure you use a small amount on a foam applicator and do not let it touch the paint.
As for the over spray I think you should clay the paint before polishing ,and Duragloss #501 is a good chemical polish specially if used with a PC and a polishing pad.
Good luck.
Thank you, I have some Black Wow but actually that trim seems to be painted body color, so what I'm trying to do is polish a haze on the paint/ clear. But I didn't think of the clay, that's what I should have done in the first place and will go do that to the rest of it first. Thanks again.
I'm just really worried about the hazing on the molding now... Oh well guess I'll find out.
if its painted trim be real careful if you try to polish. I have never had much luck with it. The paint on them is extremely thin. I would try something like poliseal or some kind of aio and if that doesnt do it you may need to have them resprayed.
I would use a light finishing polish on painted trim.
Okay, I have Menzerna Final and gray & blue pads. But I've been advised to leave it this way until the responsible party coughs up the dough. So, maybe a whole new piece is in order. We'll see, thanks again.
i would get the party that caused this to replace the affected area on there insurance instead of mucking around with it hammer them for new mouldings thats what id do ..

good luck let us know how you get on....
If I understood this correctly, then I agree.

There's no reason for you to struggle with this when you know who caused it..