Stand-Alone Water Heater


New member
Jul 30, 2008
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Hello. I've been a very satisfied customer of Autogeek for a while now, but I'm new to the forum. I had a question regarding water temperature for exterior washing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard that warm water is better for washing/rinsing the exterior of a vehicle. The only water nozzle I have on the exterior of my house is a cold water nozzle. Is there a product I could get that acts like a mini water heater to warm-up the water for exterior washing?

Also, even if this product exists, is it necessary?

I did some searching in the forum but didn't turn-up anything, so please forgive me if it's a repost.

Thanks in advance!
I have heard this to over the years, but fact or fiction ?? I can tell you with over 20 years of cold water washing (well luke warm its Florida) I have never had a real problem.
you could use a hotsy power washer. as far as the benefit of it i do not know.
Hot/warm wash helps with many things

Heat is a catalyst for many chemical reactions, and certainly it helps, especially for those small sap dots, ANY grease or tar. Even the soap you use will likely have some viscosity that improves with higher temps.

Do you "need" any of this? Not if you're getting the results you want without it! I always warm the soap water in winter (live in Lexington, KY, 90 miles south of the OP), since the paint is cold, the dirt is cold, etc.

I think the rinse temp is less important, but even here warmer water will help the soapy water on the car flow off better.

Don't know about any heaters.